Category: Dance

  • Dancer Jobs Benefits and Jeopardies

    Among the variety of existed professions, it is so difficult to choose the one that may suit a person completely. When a student starts thinking about his/her future profession, it is very important to take into consideration personal interests, skills, and experience to be sure about success. Nowadays many students are under the influence of…

  • Analysis of Maya Ritual and Dance

    Maya ritual and dance are inseparable and based on several principles. First, sounds and movements are indivisible and simultaneously convey the past, present, and future. Second, since an Indigenous majority has a long history of oppression and threat, their ritual dances often express sacrifice. At the same time, they portray both victims and those who…

  • The Rite of Sun Dance: Ancient Native American Practice

    The rite of the Sundance is an ancient Native American practice by the Lakota Sioux. It is a ceremonial dance done during summer at a Sun Dance gathering. The dance is a spiritual and cultural ceremony to strengthen their community and to give thanks to Mother Earth. They believe that to live in harmony with…

  • Classification of Dance: Dancing Styles and Their Characteristics

    Dancing is one of the most ancient hobbies and means of entertainment, which has been evolving and expanding throughout history. It is defined as a rhythmic movement of the body to the sound of music within a given space (Mackrell, 2019). Professional dancing is a complex structure that branches out to hundreds of different styles…

  • Ballet Dance: Early Works Created by Rosa

    This is a response paper to a ballet dance event I attended at the Sadlers Wells Theatre in London on the 2nd of April 2011. The title of the dance was Early Works created by Rosa, a ballet dance company belonging to Ann Teresa De Keersmaeker. This was part of a series of dances that…

  • Traditional Dance in Immigrants Lives

    Table of Contents Introduction Literary Sources Multimedia Sources Conclusion Introduction Different traditional cultures are forms of the primary self-organization of the human community. With confidence in inextricable unity with the community, a person gains a sense of security and belonging in traditional culture. As a vital part of the culture, dance promotes unity with society…

  • Technology Influence on the Art of Dance

    At the beginning of the XX century, great artists like Kazimir Malevich reinvented visual art, as it was believed there were no other directions it could evolve to in a conventional manner. It is doubtful that contemporary art has given up the idea of the importance of the form and only prioritizes the message behind…

  • Classical Ballet and Modern Dance: Swan Lake vs. Night Journey

    In the Swan Lake dance, there is a significant number of dance elements of energy, space, and time. The dimension of the dancers movements is simultaneously deep, wide, and high. Their tempo changes from quick to slow, and the energy of the dance is rather delicate and strong. It is possible to identify Swan Lake…

  • Belly Dance, Its History and Movements

    Table of Contents Introduction History of Belly dance Comparison between Ghawazi and Modern-day Belly Dance Costumes Movements of the Belly dance Annotated bibliography Introduction The culture of dance has been in existence since time immemorial where different cultures have performed the art for several reasons for instance as a way of celebrating the birth of…

  • Art, Music, and Dance

    Table of Contents Art Dance Music Work Cited Art Art is a distinctive map of the success of all humankind. It shows how people developed in different eras, what they believed in, how their perception of the world collapsed, changed, and was built again. All discoveries, new ideas, goals, and beliefs are reflected in art.…