Category: Diet

  • Diet Management in Adolescents and Ethical Issues



    Table of Contents Ethical Issues Limitations of the Study Implications for Future Practice and Research References Ethical Issues Because the research on diet management in adolescents will involve real people as study participants, several ethical issues need to be addressed. These include informed consent, beneficence (do not harm), preservation of confidentiality and anonymity, respect for…

  • Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients



    Table of Contents Introduction Using the Articles to Answer the PICOT question Methods of Study Used In the Articles Results of Study Outcomes Comparison References Introduction This paper aims at answering the following PICOT question: In patients 40-60 years old diagnosed with obesity (P), does diet and physical plans modifications (I) compared with diet management…

  • Fad Diet, Their Threats and Public Education Plan



    Introduction Fad diets are a loosely defined category that includes popular diets that are not recognized by official healthcare institutions. Common elements of fad diets include the simplicity of the regimen, appeal to non-scientific or pseudoscientific authority, and short implementation time. When combined, these factors create a highly appealing option. Despite the claimed superiority, fad…

  • Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on Health



    Table of Contents Problem Benefits Conclusion References Problem It is evident that the principal reasons why people to begin using fad diets are, the desire to achieve visible effects in a short period of time, and the lack of education about the potential side-effects of maintaining a low-fat, low-calorie diet in the long term. These…

  • On the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension



    Currently, hypertension is a significant medical challenge to be addressed, as it leads to adverse cardiovascular outcomes. It elevates the risk of stroke, heart disease, aneurysm, and can be a cause of death. In general, blood pressure (BP) is the force with which blood presses the arteries walls. Hypertension is when the BP is higher…

  • Are Fad Diets Worth Their Weight? by Timothy Crowe



    Table of Contents The one-sentence summary The one-paragraph summary The multiple-paragraph summary Your reaction Reference Title: Are fad diets worth their weight? Crowe (2014) is likely against the so-called fad diets. He argues that the real way to success in the area of weight control is the development of a realistic strategy focused on health…

  • Effectiveness of a Diet and Physical Activity on the Prevention of Obesity



    Research indicates that obesity is the global epidemic of the 21st century, especially due to its prevalent growth and health implications. In Mexico, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased by 9%, from 61% to 70% from 1999 to 2006. The whole population, including both adults and school children, showed an increase in the number…

  • Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy



    Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A womans wholesome status impacts her wellbeing, yet in addition, pregnancy results and the soundness of her baby child. Doctors and other medical services suppliers should be mindful of dietary necessities during pregnancy, as they vary altogether contrasted with non-pregnant populaces. Weight…

  • Weight Loss Program and Vegan Diet



    Table of Contents Abstract Macromolecules Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat Content How the Diet Leads to Weight Loss The Diets Effect on the Body Recommendation and Conclusion References Abstract Millions of individuals are obsessed with controlling their weight and losing pounds. There are many weight loss diets for people with different opportunities and health conditions. For…

  • Sweeteners in Maternal Diet and Their Effects on Infant Weight



    Table of Contents Abstract Methods Results Discussion References Abstract It has been widely reported that the diet of a breastfeeding mother influences the nutritional composition of milk that she is producing. However, the variability in human milk when it comes to the content of different chemical compounds remains understudied. There is a necessity to collect…