Category: Divorce

  • Divorce Rates and Causes of Their Rising

    Divorce has been a major challenge to family norms in the United States for more than 40 years, with social policies increasingly focusing on the problem. At the same time, there are different findings that indicate the stabilization and even a decline in divorce rates in recent years. Discussing unilateral divorce laws, Wolfers states that…

  • Expansion of Medicaid and Minimum Wage Increment to Alleviate Divorce

    Table of Contents Introduction Minimum Wage Increment Expansion of Medicaid Conclusion References Introduction Divorce is a family-related problem that involves the termination of a marriage by a court of law. This dissolution is usually characterized by the reshuffling or complete cancellation of legal roles and obligations previously held by the individual spouse. According to a…

  • Divorce and Female Vulnerability in American Society

    American society has made substantial progress in achieving gender equality in many aspects of social life. However, these efforts are still insufficient as females remain a vulnerable group due to the existing regulations, policies, and social norms. U.S. women face numerous challenges in such spheres as marriage and divorce (Yefet, 2020). Exit from marriage is…

  • How Different Women Are Trying to Obtain a Divorce

    The experience of these three women in the courtroom would likely differ very much because of the variation in the legal systems, social and political contexts, and the conditions in which they lived. The first woman from a low-income family in an Anatolian province of the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century may face significant…

  • Divorce Issues: Causes and Effects on Children

    Simply put, a divorce is the lawful dissolving of a matrimonial relationship, comprising of any ceremonial breakup between a husband and his wife based on constituted customs. Put differently, a divorce is any manner of absolute detachment between a husband and the wife. Initially, the term was used to refer to legal marriage dissolution. Based…

  • Discussion of Marriage and Divorce Impact

    Marriage can provide evident economic benefits to both parties, such as the division of labor within a family. Divorce, on the other hand, can be costly if the spouses do not have any previously agreed upon terms of separation. The economics of marriage and divorce are complex as they are influenced by factors such as…

  • Personal Essay on Sociological Imagination, Divorce, & Marriage

    Table of Contents What is the Sociological Imagination? Sociological Imagination: Personal Troubles and Public Issues My Perspective of the Sociological Imagination Sociological Imagination in My Everyday Life Sociological Imagination Divorce & Marriage Society from Sociological Imagination Perspective Reference Understanding the interrelation between a biography and a history is vital for building a broad and realistic…

  • Causes and Effects of Divorce

    Table of Contents Introduction Causes Effects of divorce Works Cited Introduction Since 1860 when the United States Bureau of statistics started keeping records of divorces, the frequency of divorce cases has continued to increase based on the same reasons. Reasons have remained relatively the same in comparison to the ever-increasing rise in cases. Studies have…

  • Divorce Law History in the USA

    Introduction It is difficult to overestimate the significance of legislation for everyday life. Relevant laws are created to regulate relationships in all spheres where possible problems can arise. It refers to concluding various agreements, employment issues, safety, and many others. Among them, the laws that govern relationships between spouses are of crucial importance because they…

  • Divorce Law in the United Kingdom

    Introduction There exists dissimilarity between valid, voidable and void marriages under English Act. A valid marriage would be terminated legally. In case of nullity of marriage, for legal purposes, it would be construed that there has been never a valid marriage. There will be existence of no defect in a valid marriage and hence, it…