Category: Domestic Violence

  • The Origin of Domestic Violence

    Introduction Domestic violence remains one of the most urgent problems of modern society. Worse still, in some communities maintaining the hierarchy using physical and emotional violence is still regarded as a tradition that should be treated with respect (Grose & Grabe, 2014, p.972). The purpose of the present research is to reveal the primary cause…

  • Domestic Violence in America, Asia, and Africa

    Abstract The current paper investigates the issue of domestic violence in the United States and several other cultures, namely, in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru, and Brazil. To conduct the study, a review of the materials about the topic has been carried out; the materials included scholarly articles, as well as reports of various national U.S. organizations…

  • Conservation Model and Domestic Violence

    Netto, Moura, Queiroz, Tyrrell, and Bravo (2014) provide credible information regarding womens experiences of domestic violence in the context of the conservation model. The major strength of the study is the collection and analysis of personal views of the females about the issue. The researchers managed to obtain vivid examples of psychological challenges and health…

  • Volunteering in the Social Project Providing Legal Assistance to the Domestic Violence Victims

    Choosing a way to apply ones legal knowledge is a significant challenge for a student as there are many doubts. One may wonder what experience would be the most valuable and could look better in ones CV. I chose to engage in a social project assisting the victims of domestic violence in my community as…

  • Reducing Cases of Domestic Violence at All Stages of Pregnancy

    My deep interest in health care and decision to devote my career to nursing brought me to the exploration of one of the most problematic issues in this field, namely domestic violence. It has been within the scope of my scientific and professional interests for a substantial amount of time. Gaining my practical experience at…

  • Domestic Violence Intervention in Health Care

    Type of Legislation Domestic violence is a concept that can be described as emotional, verbal, sexual or any other existing kind of abuse that may scare the victim or lead to a situation where one of the participating parties will be keen on retaining supremacy over another. This issue has to be approached multidisciplinarily because…

  • Domestic Violence and Public Awareness

    Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is domestic violence. Sadly, this issue is widely spread in families in our country and many other countries in the world. Various categories of people suffer from this kind of crime, and there are different causes and consequences of cruelty…

  • Domestic Violence by an Intimate Partner

    Summary This study was aimed at examining the trends in attitudes about violence between intimate partners. In setting the foundation of the study, the authors hypothesized that if people across the world are affected by the diffusion of global norms, then the number of persons who think that violence between intimate partners is legitimate should…

  • Domestic Violence Problem Overview and Analysis

    Domestic violence is a controversial aspect of life, evolving from both physical and mental abuse of a person. In contemporary society, violence against another person can be justified and even encouraged as an acceptable form of decent behavior. Consequently, domestic violence has its origin in societal tolerance to the victimization of an individual. Such tolerance…

  • Community and Domestic Violence: Violence Against Women

    Domestic violence is behavior that is said to be abusive by one partner to the other in an intimate relationship, which can at times occur to both parties concurrently. It is also referred to as domestic, family or spousal abuse because it occurs in people who are either dating, in a family, in cohabitation or…