Category: Ebola Virus

  • Analytical Essay on the Ebola Virus Outbreaks

    In 1976, the Ebola virus was first exposed. It happened in the areas in northern Zaire and southern Sudan when two outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever occurred (Cenciarelli et al, 2015). Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is the origin of hemorrhagic fever and said to be one of the most severe viral disease with 40-50% high case-fatality…

  • Analytical Essay on Ebola Virus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Etiology and Pathogenesis

    Introduction Ebola is a haemorrhagic fever that is formally known as Ebola Virus Disease. According to the Wold Health Organization, Ebola causes a severe, serious illness which is often deadly if left untreated. Stats from WebMD show that Ebola kills up to 90% of infected people. Ebola is a deadly disease caused by a virus.…

  • Analytical Essay on Ebola Virus: Ecological and Social Factors

    Introduction The Ebola virus has been identified nearly 40 years during the two outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sudan.[footnoteRef:1] Regardless of the considerable effort to investigate, it is still arguably as obscure today to find the ecology of the filoviruses, especially, of Ebola viruses. This article is presenting some ecological factors including…

  • The Deadly Danger of the Ebola Virus

    Ebola is defined as a rare disease in the United States, it has only occurred because cases were obtained in other countries that eventually led it to spread by human transmission (CDC, 2019). There are fewer than 1000 US cases per year, but in West Africa Ebola is considered a zoonotic disease because it originated…

  • Ebola Virus Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

    Ebola virus disease mainly about a zoonotic disease caused by Genus Ebola virus infection. It is an epidemic disease and commonly causes fatality not only among the humans infected but also among the animals like chimpanzees, monkeys and gorillas. The Ebola virus commonly infect people who lived in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra and Leone. This disease…

  • Ebola Virus as a Deadly Disease

    The Ebola virus is a fatal disease that spreads rapidly from human to human. Ebola is a type of filovirus, this is a virus that causes extreme haemorrhagic fevers to humans and some animals. This virus has two known diseases in it: The Marburg virus and The Ebola virus. The difference between these two filoviruses…