Category: Economics 2707

  • South Koreas Chaebol Analysis

    Table of Contents Origin and Background Practical Examples Benefits to Economy Impact on Business Growth Pros and Cons of Chaebol Future of Chaebols References The South Korean economy is a highly developed mixed economy, holding 10th place by nominal GDP, which is one of the most successful and flexible in the world due to its…

  • The Downfall of Lehman Brothers

    Table of Contents Introduction Securities and Exchange board Sarbanes-Oxley Act New Regulation Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Following the downfall of Lehman brothers, attention was focused on the role of regulators and credit rating agencies in the whole debacle. The public demanded for answers that were not forthcoming from all the concerned parties. This experience was…

  • Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times

    Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times is a presentation by Bassam Fattouh, which is dedicated to the specifics of the dynamics in the global oil sector. The presentation reviews the most recent trends in the sector, provides illustrative examples, and makes relevant suggestions on the potential responses of the countries of the Middle East. In…

  • Its Not a Job! Foster Care Board Payments

    Table of Contents Purpose of the Study Research Questions Methods Used to Evaluate Research Questions Key Findings and Concepts Learned References The term foster care refers to the temporary care service given to children who cannot live with their homes with their families. Foster care mainly provides a family and their children with an alternative…

  • Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior Toward Online Shopping among Young People

    Introduction Background Information Many social science researchers and practitioners have been interested in the concept and field of consumer behavior. There is a lack of consensus on what constitutes consumer behavior as scholars define the image differently. The term has been described as the actions and decision processes of people who purchase goods and services…

  • Supply and Demand: Main Aspects and Effect of Changes

    Table of Contents Marschalls Economics Demand Theory Supply Theory Effect of Changes in Supply and Demand Implications of Tax Black Markets Works Cited Marschalls Economics Alfred Marshall was one of the most influential economists of the mid-nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. His Principles of Economics brought ideas of supply and demand, production…

  • Value and Non-Value-Added Costs

    There are various costs that are associated with selling a particular product and its distribution. A value-added cost increases the benefits of a certain offering to customers (Kenton, 2019). At the same time, a non-value-added cost is a production expense that does not contribute to the increase in the amount clients are ready to pay…

  • GDP of Kazakhstan and Its Recent History

    Table of Contents Introduction National Account of Kazakhstan Fiscal Policy Monetary policy Conclusion Bibliography Introduction The economic history of economic condition of a country shows the countrys present economic status, and the economic well being of the country. With the economic recession the world economy has been facing crisis regarding their GDP growth, inflation, current…

  • Governments Role in Business Regulation

    In the contemporary world, there are two opposite opinions regarding businesses ethical conduct ensuring. One part of society believes that the marketplace is self-regulating and any external interventions are not necessary as they do not provide equality between business owners. Simultaneously, others state that government regulations are essential and beneficial for both industry and society.…

  • Financial Report: Review

    Table of Contents Analysis of cost Contribution statement Estimation of the break-even point Margin of safety Overhead budget Income statement Balance sheet Analysis of cost Some of the opening costs of the restaurant will be capitalized. These start-up costs relate to the one activity of opening the restaurant and not daily operation of the business.…