Category: Education 2143

  • Reading Fluency Activities for 4-5th-Graders

    Title of the book: My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother Author: Patricia Polacco is the author of many books for children, for instance, Some Birthday, The Keeping Quilt, or Rechenkas Eggs. Her works are praised by educators and parents. Brief Synopsis: This book tells the story of a little girl named Patricia whose brother Richard always…

  • Formal Writing Process and Research

    In this age of electronic communications such as cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail, what is the role of formal writing? How do you think these digital communication methods influence the writing process? Effective communication is crucial in the business world, and technological advancements have made it simpler and easier. Writing is one way in…

  • Childrens Visual Imagery by DeWindt-King and Goldin

    DeWindt-King and Goldin are considered the brains behind research in cognitive approaches to problem-solving and their qualifications and expertise in technological approaches in solving mathematics problems cannot be debated. Serving as full-time professors in their respective universities, the authors have made immense contributions to the field of mathematics education. Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics…

  • Special-Needs Children in the Kids Video

    The issue in this case In the video Kids&why cant They Be Like We WerePerfect In Every Way the most important issue is the inequalities faced by some people in the society. From the video, it is evident that some groups of people in society suffer from discrimination either based on their age, nationality, gender…

  • Research Components: Proposal, Introduction, Abstract

    There is no use denying the fact that writing a research paper is a very complicated process that demands a great level of skills from a researcher. The fact is that the work of this sort implies that only credible sources are used by the author and his/her conclusions could be used by some other…

  • Writing Skills Developed in the Comp 101 Course

    Introduction Throughout the Comp 101 class, I have come to appreciate and understand the core elements of writing, research, and the general reading criteria which will further my endeavors in other areas of study or work. This is because communication is exceedingly required to better identify with other areas of study through group discussions or…

  • Standardized Test Preparation Approaches

    Standardized tests are a current fixture of admissions to educational institutions and for professional licensure. Given this, students and their families need to avoid being blind-sided. There are resources and techniques to make the experience less horrific, but of course, nothing replaces personal familiarity with both the content of the test and the context as…

  • Campus Life: What to Be Prepared for?

    The experience of living in a dorm can be broadening and help a student mature. It can also expose a student to influences and risks that can derail a whole college career. For some students, especially those from cultures where behavior is prescribed and proscribed, the presence of others engaging in actions that go against…

  • Test Preparation Resources Online

    When you face a major standardized test, the sort of test that could determine whether you get into a good high school, college, or graduate school, or obtain professional certification, you need all the help you can get. Of course, you are going to have to invest personal effort and energy, but assistance exists to…

  • Humanistic Mathematics Project: General Education and the Role of Axiomatic Thinking and Proof

    Table of Contents What Happened Historically to Form the Current System What Is the Current System Axiomatic Thinking and Proof Works Cited What Happened Historically to Form the Current System General Education is a concept and system used in the U.S. colleges and universities, according to which students have proposed a set of courses that…