Category: Education 2143

  • Philosophy as a College Discipline

    A long time ago, one famous Greek philosopher whose works are known to the vast majority of the population said the unexamined life is not worth living. These words belonged to Socrates. This expression helps to depict the true nature of Philosophy as a discipline and explains to students the importance of life examination and…

  • Learning English Properly in the College

    If English is your native language, you are lucky! Do you know why? Well, English is considered to be the only international language that is chosen by the representatives of almost all countries. It does not take much time to study English; many people already speak English, and there are many different methods on how…

  • College Financial Aid: Reasons to Apply

    Entering the educational establishment, most students are sure that they will pay tuition and will successfully graduate from college or University. Still, several different situations may ruin even the strongest plans. The absence of enough money for tuition is not the reason to quit the University. Furthermore, there are situations when students are unable to…

  • Alumni Associations and Benefits for Members

    Almost every university and college has an organization where former students get a chance to gather from time to time and choose the most interesting themes, activities, and events for discussions. In some institutions, it is obligatory to point to contribute to an alumni association. However, the vast majority of education institutions promote an idea…

  • Common Core State Standards Mathematics: Grade 4

    Common Core State Standards Mathematics-Grade 4 Learning Trajectories The learning trajectories for this Grade in reference to algebraic and mathematical calculations require that the student understands some basic rules regarding mathematics. There has been intensive input into this area from the state and as a standard requirement. Some of them include the need to understand…

  • Questions and Failure in Learning

    Topical and Overarching Questions Topical questions are unit-specific questions. They tend to direct the understanding of processes and thoughts inside a certain unit. An example of topical question is: How do plants carry out photosynthesis?. It can be seen that the topical question is a science-specific one. Wiggins and McTighe (2005) described overarching questions as…

  • Industrialization and Its Consequences: Lesson Plan

    Purpose This is a lesson plan for the topic Big Seven Era: Industrialization and its Consequences, 1750-1914 CE. It is important that every student understands the contemporary technological developments whilst linking them up with classical developments. For every aspect of modern technology, there is a classical or traditional foundation. The Industrial Revolution as a World…

  • The Use of Common Planning Time by Cook and Faulkner

    Cook, C. M. & Faulkner, S. A. (2010). The Use of Common Planning Time: A Case Study of Two Kentucky Schools to Watch. RMLE Online. 34(2), 1-12. Purpose and Problem Since little research has been done on the common planning of time in school, the authors have introduced the studies in which they have indicated…

  • Mandatory Financial Education Class and Its Benefits

    The aspect of financial management is part of the life of an individual regardless of whether one is an adult or a minor. Every person is expected to make a given financial decision at some point in life. Understanding money value, the system of an economy, and interpreting financial news is a very important virtue.…

  • Individualized Education Plan: Chantels Case

    Table of Contents Chantel Case Analysis Intervention: Individualized Education Plan for Chantel Individualized Education Plan References Chantel Case Analysis At school, Chantel shows evidence of hyperactivity and finds it difficult to attend the lessons or even meet set deadlines. She does not finish the given projects within the stipulated deadlines and often tends to forget…