Category: Entertainment

  • Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment

    Table of Contents Abstract Ideological Hegemony process based on Gramsci theory Ideological Hegemony and Coercion Work Cited Abstract The concept highlighted in the context waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system to the discord prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process in the American society. The…

  • Novels Remain a Valuable Form of Entertainment and Art in Our Current Society

    Written stories have been the source of public entertainment for as long as the very concept of written language has existed. However, as the pace of global community development increases, the fascination with novels and other long-form storytelling types seems to have been subsiding. Due to the increased time pressure, moist people typically fail to…

  • Writing for Entertainment Shows: Pros and Cons

    One should be aware that writing with the purpose of entertainment instead of informing has several advantages and disadvantages. The major benefit of such an approach is the presence of an opportunity to introduce humor and comedy. By having an additional objective of making people laugh, an author receives more freedom to exaggerate the facts…

  • Development of the Esports Entertainment Industry

    Esports became an increasingly global entertainment sphere that brings millions of users online. It is expected that 500 million people will become involved in esports in 2020 (SevenVentures, 2017). Based on revenue sources, the primary target market for esports is sponsorship & advertising, which unites game publishers and sponsors who want to promote different products…

  • Global Sports and Entertainment: Internationalization of the Sports Industry

    The sports industry has been affected by the globalization process to a considerable extent lately. As a result of the specified internationalization, the environment of sport has become much more inclusive and accepting of people of different backgrounds and capabilities. Nowadays, a range of opportunities for people from many backgrounds to participate in sports activities…

  • Startup Idea for Entertainment Industry in Nigeria

    Table of Contents Business Idea Market Analysis Environmental Analysis Business Plan Reference List Business Idea A startup idea for a business in Nigeria is to set up training centers for animation, visual effects, directing and sound engineering, camera work, and other professions in the entertainment industry. The release of certified personnel in the entertainment industry…

  • Nigerias Entertainment Industry After Covid-19

    Table of Contents Methods Region Advantages Impact Flexible Options Reference List States are forced to respond to the pandemic, limiting reserves for industries other than medicine. As part of such measures, an increase in the critical rate of state-owned banks is being undertaken, allocating funds directly to the most critical aspects of solving the problem.…

  • Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market Research

    Table of Contents Introduction Research objectives and Research problem Research Activity Time table Methodology References Introduction As the question of legitimacy in the rights and use of intellectual property rights continues to hit the entertainment industry, there is however a lack of comprehensive supportive data on the same. Every aspect of excessive use of these…

  • Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction It is undoubtedly true that ancient societies have a significant impact on the contemporary world. Millions of people all over the globe are excited about discovering new pieces of art and architecture. Artists receive their inspiration and motivation from their unknown ancestors, intending to refine…

  • Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?

    Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention that photographers are always limited…