Category: Environmental Ethics

  • Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

    Our only home is falling apart. The world we live in is rapidly becoming another landfill for all our wastes and the human population is not doing anything as a whole to prevent these problems from becoming too extreme to the point of no return. Only recently, have we begun to focus on our environment…

  • The Characteristics of Environmental Ethics

    Introduction to Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics deals with the moral and ethical relationship between humans and the nature. In other words it questions a human on its rights on non human world. While ethical issues concerning the environment have been debated for centuries, environmental ethics did not emerge as a philosophical issue until the 1970s…

  • Majora Carter: The Environmental Justice Activist

    Majora Carter is one of New York Citys most well-known environmental justice activists. In February 2006, Carter gave an inspiring eighteen minute speech on Greening the Ghetto at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Monterey, California. More specifically, this convention calls attention to the prevalent issue of environmental racism and inequality among minority communities.…

  • The Concept of Pest Analysis

    PEST analysis describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. It is a strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. PEST is an acronym for political, economic, social, technological. In other words PEST basically stands for Political, Economic, Social and…

  • Environmental Philosophy and Ethics

    Our only home is falling apart. The world we live in is rapidly becoming another landfill for all our wastes and the human population is not doing anything as a whole to prevent these problems from becoming too extreme to the point of no return. Only recently, have we begun to focus on our environment…

  • The Characteristics of Environmental Ethics

    Introduction to Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics deals with the moral and ethical relationship between humans and the nature. In other words it questions a human on its rights on non human world. While ethical issues concerning the environment have been debated for centuries, environmental ethics did not emerge as a philosophical issue until the 1970s…

  • Majora Carter: The Environmental Justice Activist

    Majora Carter is one of New York Citys most well-known environmental justice activists. In February 2006, Carter gave an inspiring eighteen minute speech on Greening the Ghetto at a TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Monterey, California. More specifically, this convention calls attention to the prevalent issue of environmental racism and inequality among minority communities.…

  • The Concept of Pest Analysis

    PEST analysis describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. It is a strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. PEST is an acronym for political, economic, social, technological. In other words PEST basically stands for Political, Economic, Social and…

  • Nanotechnology and Environment

    The world is going from bad to worse. We as human being are wasting everything we face. We are the source of disasters in the earth. The Earth is almost 4.6 billion years old, and humans have been living on it for less than 12 million years. Still, in these few years comparing them to…

  • Assessment of My Ecological Footprint

    My Ecological Footprint is 4.6 hectares. The bigger components of my footprint using the Pie Chart are my Carbon Footprint which is 2.5gha, cropland with a 1.3 gha, and Forest Products which has a 0.5 gha. The larger sections according to the Bar Graph are food with a 1.4 gha, Goods with as total of…