Category: Equity

  • Is National Health Service Implementing Job Evaluation to Assist Pay Equity?

    Introduction The health care delivery system is one of the vital components of the public welfare schemes of the government. The healthcare components like accessibility to good medical care, quality and cost are increasingly moving beyond the grasp of the general public. The downtrend of the national healthcare delivery system has become a major issue…

  • Gaps in Equity Related to Mental Health Access for Veterans

    Introduction The Gap in Healthcare Delivery for Military Veterans Military men are a group of individuals who are required and responsible for guarding a countrys borders and intervening in conflicts. The globe is constantly at odds, and the military and police exchange gunfire and other explosives, which substantially impact the health of military veterans. The…

  • Health Equity and Health Disparities

    It is now common to use the terms health equity and health disparities, but they rarely have explicit definitions. Moreover, since these terms may be ambiguous, they can be used incorrectly, leading to improper use of resources. For people involved in public care, it is essential to understand these two terms, see the difference between…

  • Geography and Healthcare Equity in the U.S.

    The insurance coverage, accessibility to treatment, functional capacity, standards of healthcare, and care costs in the U.S. health system vary widely by geographical location. Geographical location plays a vital role in healthcare accessibility and equality concerns. Uneven geographic access to health care is a result of areas with greater income disparity and social inequality along…

  • Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity

    Table of Contents Social Determinants of Health Improving Health Equity Self-Care for Nurses Conclusion References In addition to medical and genetic factors that affect human health, social determinants of health (SDOH) exist. They may be related to socioeconomic circumstances, the environment, the populations education, and governmental social and medical programs. Moreover, social determinants significantly affect…

  • Health Equity Monitoring: New Analytical Approach

    Table of Contents Introduction Using the Analytical Approach in the United States Inequities in the United States Health Care Market How to Solve the Inequities Conclusion References Introduction Assessing health equity across the whole population has become a necessity as it has the potential to help eliminate or reduce health disparities. The article highlights how…

  • Importance of Health Equity

    A health care system is designed to provide individuals with sufficient service and improve their health outcomes. It is efficient if everyone who needs assistance receives adequate care, which is possible because of Health Equity. According to Minkler et al., this term denotes removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimination and their consequences, including…

  • Health Care Reform and Equity by Fiscella

    Article Review The given article review will primarily focus on two main domains, which are access and national quality strategy informed by research. The healthcare system in the United States is among one of the most expensive and unaffordable ones across the globe. In addition, it is evident that the access aspect is comprised of…

  • The Impact of Education Access and Quality on Health Equity and Patient Outcomes

    Introduction It has been acknowledged that several social determinants influence peoples health. These social factors include income, race, unemployment, social support, and education, among others (Coughlin, 2019). Although multiple factors shape peoples behaviors and their health outcomes, education is one of the central domains that require specific attention as it can become an opportunity rather…

  • Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

    There has been considerable development in correspondence over the age years. People of different foundations can have a media stage, for instance, on Facebook, where they can interact despite geographical regions. Web-based media investigates individuals likenesses as opposed to reducing their usage. It is one where they can openly air their perspectives and suppositions without…