Category: Euthanasia

  • Assisted Euthanasia: Philosophical Perspectives

    Table of Contents Introduction Issue of Assisted Euthanasia Utilitarian Approach Deontological Approach Virtue Ethics Approach Conclusion References Introduction The ethics of human relationships is the object of many philosophical teachings and doctrines. At the same time, specific issues and topics are controversial and acute since they are difficult to discuss within the framework of one…

  • Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia Issues

    One of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Those who support the practice feel strongly that the individual freedoms of choice we enjoy during our lifetimes should also extend to apply to our choices…

  • Euthanasia: Advantages and Disadvantages

    In some circumstances, a patient may be enduring painful suffering from a terminal disease. Assuming the likelihood of the illness being treated to free the individual from the agony is zero, the client may choose to allow the doctor to intentionally end his life. The act by which a physician deliberately terminates someones life to…

  • Acceptability of Euthanasia: Moral and Humanistic Views

    Table of Contents Introduction Theory explanation Theory application Objection Conclusion References Introduction Euthanasia is one of the most disputable questions of the modern age which are given great attention in terms of the increased importance of humanistic values and reconsideration of the value of human life. There are vigorous debates related to the possibility of…

  • Euthanasia Controversy and Supporting Arguments

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction A current definition of the term euthanasia suggests the bringing about of easy and calm death, predominantly regarding the people who are suffering from aching and irredeemable illness. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in the modern health care environment. It can be performed…

  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in Europe and the US

    The topic of euthanasia is one of the most heatedly debated debates that take place in the medical, legal, ethical, and public fields of consideration, right next to death penalty as means of capital punishment (Colb, 2008). This is not an easy matter to decide upon, as the decision made has far-reaching complications that may…

  • Euthanasia Definition, Types, Pros and Cons

    Introduction Overview Currently, innovation in medical science enables both life and death to be stretched (Biggs, 2001). Owing to this, a number of concerns about life and death in the society have been raised. Now, it is widely believed that modern-day medicine can force individuals to bear life past what they perceive to be decorous…

  • Raising Awareness: Euthanasia as an Important Part of Modern Society and Care

    The attitude and approach toward euthanasia have always been complicated since the discussion of euthanasia itself can become extremely controversial. While some people perceive it as a suicide, others believe that euthanasia is the only way out of a difficult, unsolvable, and painful situation. Another problem arises when the public and the media confuse two…

  • Euthanasia or Assisted Suicide

    Introduction The present paper looks into the issue of physician- or doctor-assisted suicide or euthanasia from several perspectives. It neutrally brings forward the arguments put forth by both the proponents and opponents of this act. In the last section of the paper, an evaluation of the entire argument is made. Personal opinion of the authors…

  • Confronting Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

    The article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Certainly, people should look at this moral dilemma from the perspective of the patients who suffer from a painful and terminal illness. Yet, they should not forget about their immediate duties towards these patients. Susan Wolf does…