Category: Euthanasia

  • Arguments for Euthanasia Analysis

    Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Opponents of legalizing the practice suggest that euthanasia is a slippery slope that would allow increasing instances of coerced suicide, family members pressuring the elderly not to postpone their inevitable demise for financial reasons. Most that oppose…

  • Euthanasia: Points For and Against

    Euthanasia is a terminally ill persons death, performed at his request with the help of a doctor and certain drugs. This procedure causes a lot of debate around itself about its ethics and the possibility of existence. Opponents of the method argue that no one has the right to take another persons life as such…

  • Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide

    The debate about legalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is usually structured around two main arguments: the sanctity (inviolability) of life and the individuals autonomy. The usage of each of these principles can lead to extreme situations: for instance, the absence of restrictions on the use of medical technologies or assistance in suicide in the case…

  • Euthanasia in Non-Terminally Ill Patients

    Table of Contents Introduction History and Social Context Moral Relevance Arguments and Counterarguments Conclusion References Introduction Ethics remains a powerful field for examining and studying moral issues, topics, or events in different parts of the world. One of the topics many philosophers, health professionals, and policymakers take seriously is that of euthanasia. Although many countries…

  • Euthanasia in Public Opinion and Policy-Making

    Table of Contents Arguments in Support Arguments Against Concluding Remarks References Regardless of the context or setting, the topic of euthanasia has always been a controversial one. On the one hand, its proponents argued that euthanasia could be a solution for people diagnosed with terminal diseases that want to avoid the pain and suffering associated…

  • The Legalization and Moral Issues about Euthanasia

    Table of Contents Introduction Background The Legal Part of the Question The Choice of a Dignified Death Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Euthanasia, a morally ambiguous medical issue, is one of the most contentious topics in medicine. Is the most troubling question a denial of life as a result of a crime or an unpunishable act?…

  • The Notion of Euthanasia and Its Execution Prerequisites

    One of the major issues in terms of ethical policy adherence is the notion of euthanasia and its execution prerequisites. The major challenges faced by the healthcare providers is the patients inability to express his or her will, leaving the final decision to the guardians. However, quite often, people happen to have more than one…

  • The Problem of Euthanasia Moral Acceptance

    The concept of euthanasia became a topic of ethical discussion regarding the acceptance of specific procedures directly affecting the personal right to live. Scholars explore many issues concerning not only the medical and legal aspects but also the moral approach to understanding the necessity of the way to ease the suffering of the patient and…

  • Euthanasia as a Remedy for Patients

    Euthanasia is a termination of life for individuals suffering from incurable diseases. It is an illegal procedure in most of the world. Decisions about euthanasia are especially hard to be made because they concern the topic that everyone, sometimes unwillingly, faces  eternal sleep. The etymology of the word shows that its primary meaning can…

  • Euthanasia in Relation to Religion: Pros and Cons

    Table of Contents Introduction Positive aspects of Euthanasia Negative aspects of Euthanasia Conclusion Recommendations References Introduction Euthanasia is referred to as a practice where someone is killed basically in the argument of merciful grounds so as to bring to an end the sufferings of patients who may have been ill for a long time. Euthanasia…