Category: Evolution

  • The Internet Evolution and Advancement

    Table of Contents Introduction Endless Advancement Historical Roots The World Wide Web Conclusion References Introduction Humanity is currently living in a digital age, defined by the Internet. It plays a huge role in the everyday lives of millions of people. It provides work and self-improvement opportunities, communication with others, all sorts of entertainment, from visual…

  • Internet Technology: Software Maintenance and Evolution

    Nowadays, more and more organizations depend on trends in the IT market. Now one can see how even small companies hire employees who can create a website and launch the sale of a particular product. The field of IT is developing very rapidly and needs constant change. Since this field was born very abruptly and…

  • How the Evolution of Technology Has Advanced Cyber Financial Crimes

    Table of Contents Introduction to a Crime Cyber Financial Crimes and Their Evolvement Current State of Cyber Financial Crimes Conclusion References Cyber crimes are illegal activities in which conventional criminal conduct is expanded in scope or reach via the use of information and communication technology. Thus, factors associated with cyber crime entail child sexual offenses,…

  • Analyzing the Evolution of Data Visualization

    The evaluation of the data gained through the analysis of two information resources requires a detailed examination of the subject as well as the results gained. Initially we must determine the main supporting research question that is presented in the material. The underlying idea is the evaluation of the Du Bois visionary statistical methods of…

  • The History of Evolution of Thought and the Significance of the Affirmative Action

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Against Affirmative Action In Favor of Affirmative Action Discussion: Pros and Cons Conclusion Reference List Abstract Discrimination has always been an issue. Even in the XXI century, when the rights of all nations over the world have been recognized, instances of discrimination occur insultingly often (Price, 1965). Among the possible…

  • Evolution of Microsoft Windows Operating System

    Overview The journey for Windows began on November 10, 1983, with the release of Microsoft windows Beta 1.0, which was followed by Windows 2.0 and then Windows 3.0 in May 1990. The first version Windows 1.0 was an extension of MS-DOS which used the C prompt. To communicate with the system, a command had to…

  • Evolution of Network Systems from 1G to 4G

    Table of Contents Introduction Generation Definition 1G 2G 3G 4G Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Access to information is among the most important aspects of contemporary life. The popularity of portable devices capable of Internet connection has created a strong demand for network systems that provide fast and reliable data transfer. The following paper is a…

  • Automobile Industry and Its Evolution in the US

    The evolution of the automobile industry has brought in several changes in the world. The book entitled Twentieth-Century Technologies mainly focuses on the automobile industry and its evolution in the United States. Though the basic idea of automobiles began way back in the 18th century, it was only in the early 1900s this industry gained…

  • The Evolution of Opportunity in Sports

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference list Introduction Opportunity can be said to be a favorable juncture at which circumstances occur. From our case, Cliff Roberts believed that as long as he was alive, golf will continue being a white mans game. He also implored that there was no way a black person could…

  • Evolution of the Internet

    The internet is a network of computers. The first network had only three computers. The complex history of the evolution of the internet involves many aspects such as technological, organizational, social, and political. The inception of the internet was a result of military research done in the US during the Cold War era. In the…