Category: Exploration

  • How Democratic Was Colonial American Society: Analytical Essay

    In the New World, Africans were not only marginalized from cultural, ethnic, and social roots. They ceased to be regarded as individuals. There was a situation where differences in geographical position, social past, languages, religious beliefs, huge distances from the homeland, and scattering throughout the colonial territory did not allow for to creation of a…

  • Cause and Effect Essay on Decolonization

    To what degree were the global strategies of Western governments in the twentieth century informed by a colonialist understanding? In the twentieth century, the wind of change was blowing in the global world, according to a historically significant speech addressed by the British Prime Minister, Harold Macmillan. Macmillan claimed the global policies of the British…

  • Colonial Imposition Meaning: Definition Essay

    There are very few practices that have had the widespread effects we see today on global development than the scourge of colonialism. Since its advent in the 15th Century, the imposition of colonialism has, altered history forever (Settles 1996, p. 2). The effects of colonialism have been both far-reaching and insidiously devastating: notably a loss…

  • Colonialism in ‘Things Fall Apart’: Critical Essay

    Colonialism, Language, and Religion in Things Fall Apart Colonialism and imperialism are two sides of the same coin, both are interchangeable concepts. Colonialism is the practice of domination, where one country forces its authority over other territories and its people. Like colonialism, imperialism is a country’s political and economic control over a foreign nation. One…

  • Colonial Domination and Victorian Period: Analytical Essay

    Introduction The study of the Comparative Empire in the Victorian period by classically educated civil servants frequently invoked classical analogies. James Mill, whose writings were heavily influential in the conceptualization of imperialism, frequently drew examples from Roman civilization in his History of India, justifying imperial rule as a necessity due to the inferior, uncivilized nature…

  • Impact of Colonialism in Latin America: Critical Essay

    Colonial legacies can be found within Latin American political regimes like the Spaniards and Portuguese through the Allende and the Castro regime. The legacies have established social structure and unequal land holdings predominantly placing the affluent above mixed, indigenous, and Africans. Furthermore, colonial legacies are useful when examining Latin America as it compares colonialism to…

  • Juan Ponce de Leon Essay

    Introduction Juan Ponce de León, a Spanish conquistador and explorer, holds a significant place in the annals of history for his expeditions and contributions to the exploration of the New World. Born in 1474 in Spain, Ponce de León embarked on daring journeys that shaped the course of exploration and colonization in the Americas. This…

  • Informative Essay on Europeans and Their Conquest of the World

    The so-called Europeans were well-versed in science and technology; with this power in their possession, the Europeans decided to use it to their advantage to dominate the world. Studying other cultures and societies played a significant role in enabling Europeans to send their scientists overseas with the conquerors to expand their understanding of those cultures…

  • The Age of Exploration: Doctors, Diseases and Cures

    Disease was often imported and exported through trade and traveling. European exploration also infected nations in the New World with disease, smallpox, influenza, and measles which infected many natives. Many Europeans gave diseases to the Americas. In the time frame of the Age of Exploration, people understood little about disease before the invention of the…

  • Essay on Positive Impacts of European on Native American

    Impacts of Spanish Exploration The Age of Exploration aka Age of Discovery was the period when the European nations instigated exploring the world. It began in the 1400s and continued through the 1600s to improve the economy by acquiring gold and better trading routes, aspired to spread their religion (Christianity), and hoped for their country…