Category: Family

  • Black Familys Obstacles and Recommendations

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Obstacles Facing the Black Family Solutions to Obstacles Facing the Black Family Conclusion References Abstract For a very long time, the growth and development of the black family have been affected by how they are perceived by the rest of American society. To a large extent, the obstacles faced by…

  • Childrens and Families Well-Being Assessment

    Table of Contents Ethical Considerations Intervention Plan Evaluation of Intervention Next Session Plan References The assessment and intervention of child and family problems require social workers to implement a set of specific skills including ethical decision making, multicultural sensitivity, and profound professional competence to convey the necessary risk information to the clients and refer them…

  • Gambling, Financial Problems, and Family Impact

    Gambling often contributes to increases in debt problems and psychological distress, both or one who has pre-existed or even influenced gambling. The use of an individuals resources in the form of gambling often results in severe financial loss, which then contributes to increased borrowing, as it is often a diagnostic factor for gambling-related disorders. However,…

  • Work and Family in Pakistani Working Womens Views

    Faiz (2015) explores the experiences of Pakistani working women who have to work in quite an oppressive working environment and balance their work with domestic responsibilities. The focus of the study is the females views and attitudes towards their work and home life. The researcher chose the case study methodology to obtain insights into the…

  • Family Violence Types and Statistics for New York

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Child Abuse Co-Occurrence of Partner Violence and Child Abuse New York Laws for IPV Elder Abuse Laws against Elder Abuse Conclusion References Introduction Family violence is prevalent in the present society and is a growing social concern. The 2000 National Family Violence Resurvey reported that assault…

  • Issues of Paid Family Caregiving

    Table of Contents Introduction How Payment Changes the Caregiver-Care Recipient Relationship The Changes Positive Influence References Introduction Paid family caregiving is a widely discussed and controversial issue, which requires appropriate research to support or refute the necessity to continue this practice implementation. It is possible to outline several valid reasons, which clearly define why this…

  • Gender Stereotypes in Family: Research Methods

    Table of Contents Introduction Gender stereotypes in the family Conclusion References Introduction First, I researched a number of online databases and libraries. For example, I used Capella University library to search for the necessary articles. I used such keywords as gender stereotypes, family, parents. I found only one appropriate article on the chosen topic. I…

  • Womens Non-Monetary Contributions in Supporting Their Families

    Table of Contents Literature Review Economic Implications Social Implications Alternative Valuation Conclusion Research Paper Worksheet References Annotated Bibliography Research Topic: The research topic is focused on womens non-monetary contributions to supporting their families. The analysis will primarily focus on housework and similar unpaid work performed primarily by women in recent decades as well as the…

  • New Home for an Immigrant Family

    When we refer to the immigration story, it is not about the statistics. It is about people, their experience, and the challenges they have to overcome. Since America was founded as a state, the energy of newcomers continually filled its potential. Their assimilation can hardly be considered smooth. My family originates from the capital of…

  • Gender Messages From Social Institutions: Family, School, and Mass Media

    The phenomenon of gender socialization is closely connected to the everyday lives of numerous populations throughout the world. Developing an understanding of gender norms and expected behaviors is crucial for the growth of maturing individuals, which might prompt both positive and negative outcomes. As the primary agents of gender socialization, family, school, and mass media…