Category: Famous Person

  • Brahmagupta And His Contributions To Astronomy

    Indian mathematics can be dated all the way back to 400 AD with intelligent mathematicians who have developed the way we solve math equations in geometry and number theory today. One of the geniuses who contributed greatly to not only mathematics but astronomy as well is Brahmagupta. A man way beyond his time, academically, whose…

  • Most Influential Jewish Musicians In World

    Introduction Jewish music has changed throughout history with numerous Jewish musicians who have revolutionized this unique musical landscape which is still today widely celebrated in Jewish culture. Beginning in early biblical times, Jewish music was traditional religious cantors that were sung in synagogues. Then Jewish music evolved into more secular music such as Klezmer, Classical…

  • Stephen Austin’s View of the Texas Revolution: Critical Essay

    There were many factors and important people that helped construct the Texas Revolution. Although the land was Mexican territory, many Anglo-Americans moved to Texas in hopes of getting a good amount of land. There was one man that had a huge role in Texas, his name was Stephen Fuller Austin. Stephen Austin helped convince many…

  • Stephen Austin’s View of the Texas Revolution: Critical Essay

    There were many factors and important people that helped construct the Texas Revolution. Although the land was Mexican territory, many Anglo-Americans moved to Texas in hopes of getting a good amount of land. There was one man that had a huge role in Texas, his name was Stephen Fuller Austin. Stephen Austin helped convince many…

  • Swami Vivekanandas Views on Philosophy of Education: Critical Analysis

    Life contributions of Swami Vivekananda – one infinite pure and holy  beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee’ Swami Vivekananda was one of the most inspired and influential characters of the 19th century. He was born as Narendranath Datta, in 12th January 1863, to an aristocratic Bengali family in Calcutta. He was…

  • Imam Ghazalis Educational Views

    The great Imam Ghazali was born in the year 1058 in Tus (Persia) nowadays Iran. Imam Ghazali was educated by one of the greatest theologians of his time by the name of Imam al-Juwayni who was also known as Imam al-Haramayn. At the age of 33 he was given a leading teaching position in the…

  • Ibn Khalduns Views on Education

    The great Islamic thinker Abdul al-Rahman Abu Zayd Ibn Muhammad Ibn Khaldun was born in 1332 in Tunis the capital of the Hafsid Empire. After the death of his family in the Black Plague also known as the Black Death, which killed approximately 200 million plus people. Ibn Khaldun remained alone and practiced solitude most…

  • Marilyn Monroe: Research Paper

    Introduction Celebrities are an important factor in our life whether we realize it or not there like political figures their image whether on the big screen of a movie theater or television is a representation of the power and wealth they possess which is what makes them famous in the first place to the people.…

  • Horace Mann, the Man Who Invented the School: Essay

    Education in the United States of America has improved undoubtedly throughout the decades, and Horace Mann, an educational reformer, is to thank for that. Horace Mann was an individual of principle and believed that everyone deserves the right to a fair education. Mann fought for the education of all his fellow Americans and for the…

  • William Zinsser Expository Essay

    In the memoir Boy by Roald Dahl, he uses advice from another text called How To Write a Memoir. In Boy Roald Dahl tells stories that have stuck with him since childhood and into adulthood. Well, what does this book have to do with How to Write a Memoir?In How To Write a Memoir William…