Category: Firefighter

  • Female Workers In Firefighter Jobs

    Introduction This paper examines how systemic discrimination against women results in lower female participation in firefighting jobs. Firefighting jobs are a microcosm of the overall issue of systemic sexism in the workplace. Females have lower workplace participation than men overall. While there has been some improvement in the past half-century, the rate of change is…

  • What It Means To Be A Firefighter

    Have you ever imagined what its like to be a firefighter? The physical and mental demands it brings? With long hours of work and the need to respond quickly to rapidly changing conditions? It is unpleasant work, actually no, it is frightening. As hundreds of fire-fighters whether volunteered or paid, battle the destructive bushfires, they…

  • Why All Firefighters Should Be Paid?

    Hearing the station tones drop for a fire and running to the gear rack to put on the turnout gear can be adrenaline pumping. Riding down the highway with the lights reflecting off of the buildings and listening to the radio traffic knowing that there is an active fire on the first floor can get…

  • The Reality Of First Responders: Paramedics And Firefighters

    There arent many jobs that are both physically and mentally stressful as the job of a firefighter and paramedic. These select individuals run into danger while everyone else is running out. Most people dont get to experience what is really like to be a first responder. Majority of television shows related to first responders dont…

  • A Day In The Life Of A Firefighter

    There are more than 900,000 fire apparatus responses to fires,medical,and other emergencies. Being a firefighter can be a very dangerous job when it comes to illness and injury. Being a firefighter has a lot of risks and different requirements for each state. Firefighters also do more than put out fires they also do stuff to…

  • Why American Firefighters Deserve Pensions

    Firefighters are American heroes and deserve all the financial compensation they recieve. Firefighting is a very tough job, and one sacrifices a lot to be a firefighter. Firefighters work schedule consists of a couple days on duty then a couple off duty. They have to be ready for the worst possible situation at a minute’s…

  • Uniform Service Heroes: Police And Firefighters

    Both firefighters and the police officers are the professional public servants and every day they are courageous and lay their lives on the line to become our daily superheroes. A law enforcement officer is a police officer who investigates a crime. On the other hand, a firefighter is largely responsible for firefighting or rescuing people.…