Category: Ford

  • Truck Choosing: Ford, Chevy, and Dodge



    Introduction Choosing a truck is often a difficult task due to the abundance of available options. Of course, every person chooses a vehicle to his/her taste. Some people want to get a powerful and conservative truck, while some are looking for a fast and modern vehicle. Leaders of the market are Ford, Chevy, and Dodge…

  • Organizational Change in Ford Motor Company



    Today, the US auto industry experiences problems caused by economic decline and financial crisis. Therefore, because innovation is all about creating new realities, change must deal first and last with sight. Many critics admit that the US auto industry will not be able to survive without innovations and new trends in technology as a driver…

  • The Ford-Firestone Case: Large-Scale Controversy



    Table of Contents Summary Who is at fault for exploding tires? Ethical violations from Ford or Firestone Application to a different situation References Summary Ford-Firestone case is a large-scale controversy related to the tire company Firestone and the Ford Motor Company. The event itself concerns a period where an increased number of tread separations were…

  • Ford Motor Companys Present Stock Value



    Trend of Ford shares for the last five years is shown below. Based on the trend of the graph below, I will state that the stock price was fairly stable with little fluctuations except during the period of the financial crisis. From the trend shown below, I will state that the future price is likely…

  • Ford Motor Company: Cash Flow Statement



    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose of a Cash Flow Statement Analysis of Ford Motor Companys Cash Flow Statement Conclusion References Introduction In addition to an income statement and a balance sheet statement, a cash flow statement is used in order to conclude regarding the generation and distribution of cash in a company. The analysis of…

  • 10-K Ford Motor Company Review



    Table of Contents Introduction Purpose of Ford Motor Companys 10-K Three Important Items From Ford Motor Companys 10-K for 2012 Conclusion References Introduction Modern public companies are expected to file Form 10-K annually in order to report the specifics of their financial performance. This report is usually rather comprehensive and detailed to reflect what financial…

  • Thinking in the Rhythm With the System: Organizational Change in the Ford Company



    Abstract Despite the fact that at the beginning of the XXI century, the ford Company was at the brink of failure, with the help of Jeremy Seligman and his concept of system thinking, Ford managed not only to stay afloat, but also to remain one of the worlds leading companies. While the process of changes…

  • What You Need to Know About Quality Control by Ford



    The article under review is What you need to know about quality control, written by Mike Ford, on 3 October 2019. The author explains what quality control is and what issues it might involve. Ford also considers the ways to understand whether there is a quality control issue in the company and what an organization…

  • Organizational Structures: Ford Motor Company



    The organizational structure of an enterprise can be affected by a great number of factors, such as marketing strategies, operations, human resources, and others (Bateman& Snell, 2008). Provided that we are speaking about Ford Motor Company we should first speak about operations. As a representative of the automobile industry, Ford has to adopt the approach…

  • Operations Management: Ford vs. Firestone



    Introduction Operations management refers to all sets of strategies and activities that are geared towards the careful management of processes to produce and distribute products and services. According to Bjorn & Rune (1999:294), the set of activities that are involved in operations management includes product creation, development, production, and distribution. Consequently, OM is greatly associated…