Category: Ford

  • Tom Ford Company and Strategy



    Table of Contents Current products Target Market Current brand Strategies Website Macro and Micro Environment Pest Analysis Swot Analysis References As a fashion designer of global repute, Tom Fords popularity has been enhanced by his unique designs in fragrances, luxury clothing, cosmetics, and accessories. The Tom Brand collection was created in April 2005, approximately one…

  • Ford Motor Company: Corporate Analysis



    Introduction The current report evaluates the financial position of Ford Motor Company, USA. The report will utilize a number of financial ratios in order to understand the profitability, cash flow, earnings, and financial risks associated with Ford Motor Company. The assessment will rely on the organizations financial statements for the last four years. The period…

  • Ford Motors Company: Corporate Governance



    Introduction The issue of governance has been proved to be of paramount importance for organisations that wish to remain competitive in the ever-changing market. Organisations have to embrace it in an effort of attaining their goals and objectives. Corporate governance is an important part of any organisation. Many definitions have been formulated for this principle.…

  • Ford Motor Company: Quality Management Problems



    Introduction Ford Motor Company is an American automotive company that manufactures cars under the brand Ford. The headquarters of Ford Motor Company is located near Detroit, in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. The firm produces a wide range of products: cars of different sizes, purposes, and costs; representative offices and factories of the corporation are scattered around…

  • Ford Motor Company Leadership Style & Management



    Table of Contents Leadership Style  Introduction Background Paternalistic Leadership Style Key Setbacks Fords Paternalistic Leadership Style References Henry Fords Management Style & Leadership: Introduction Management practice is an important aspect of a successful organization. Leadership and management style determine the base on which the whole organization rests. When a leader evaluates his/her options to…

  • Ford Motor Companys Globalization Strategy



    Introduction A global approach is a firms plan for expanding into the worldwide market. The objective of designing an international campaign is to boost worldwide sales. The international strategy encompasses standards as well as foreign and multinational concepts (CuervoCazurra et al., 2020). Therefore, adopting a worldwide approach can be advantageous for Ford Motors, Inc. in…

  • The Ford Fiesta Campaign: A Case Study



    Table of Contents Introduction Background of the Case Fiesta U.S. Marketing Strategy Metrics Reported Controls of the Campaign Reach of the Campaign Recommendations Conclusion Reference Introduction In 2009, Ford Motor Company was faced with a serious challenge to promote a new model in the American market. The difficulty of the situation was conditioned by the…

  • Whistleblowing: The Ford Company Case



    The corporate social responsibility in organizations brings about the aspect of ethics especially when it concerns the safety standards of the products being released to the customers for consumption. The case of Pinto in Ford Company gives a situation where the company failed to observe its moral obligation of ensuring that the products being released…