Category: Franchising

  • Hospitality Property Management: Ownership and Franchising Issues, Impacts of Servicescape and Sustainability on the Hospitality Industry

    Introduction For one to succeed in running the hospitality industry there is a need for him or her to come up with good management of the hospitality buildings and other properties that comprise the hospitality sector. For people to decide whether to visit a hospitality premise, they first consider the layout of its buildings. Well-maintained…

  • Professional Sports Franchises

    Table of Contents Introduction Challenges Coping Strategies Conclusion Reference List Introduction Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generates the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems, ranging from the health of the athletes, to the collection of revenue. Challenges Professional athletic organizations generate their revenues…

  • The Hospitality Industry Management and Franchising Contracts

    Managing the hospitality business is a challenging process especially given the current circumstances of a global pandemic. To remain a strong brand with promising revenue, hotels turn to various partnerships and affiliations that help them delegate responsibilities and enter mutually beneficial cooperation. Management contracts and franchising agreements stand out among the associations, as they are…

  • Foundations of Microeconomics: Franchise Firms

    How do franchise firms benefit from economies of scale? Franchise firms are the small businesses that are operated in such a way that they deal with goods of larger corporations. They usually buy the products from the corporation at a discounted price hence being able to supply them at a fair price. Examples of franchise…

  • Franchise Opportunities in IT

    One of the most known around the world entrepreneurs is Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook. Initially, the project included only the students at Harvard University, but started to expand rapidly and subsequently spread to other colleges and then the whole world. It was quite a remarkable achievement for a 23-year-old student without prior experience.…

  • E-Business Model Evaluation of the Mitsis Hotels Franchise

    Introduction With the rapid growth and development of the Internet space and the globalization of the world, big changes are taking place in all areas of handling business. One of these implications is the online business model, which permits a more efficient business interaction in todays marketplace. The benefits of e-business include savings on agency…

  • American Flatbread Companys Franchising

    What is American Flatbread? How does the Company produce and distribute its products? Where in Indiana can you purchase American Flatbread? What does the Companys Mission Statement have to say about the core values of the business? American Flatbread is a company that believes in a return to the original bread roots. In this case,…

  • Franchise, Crowdsourcing, and Retailer Business Models

    A business model is simply the strategy chosen by a business owner to make money and deliver value to customers. Determining a business model requires the description of products or services, target market, as well as required expenses. They are numerous types of business models, which are categorized as traditional and modern types. In this…

  • Franchise Firm Entry Time

    Introduction The authors aimed to show how franchises in Spain established in the early 1950s  1980s have been able to survive for so long due to their early entry into the market. This was done by comparing the survival rate of franchises established at later dates and those that were established much earlier. The…

  • Franchising and Service Delivery Systems

    This week has been very rewarding for me in the sense that I have been able to learn about something which I have always been interested about. This is the concept of franchising and the importance of service delivery systems in franchising. I know that franchising is an extremely powerful form of business in which…