Category: Freedom

  • Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

    The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses it, there are also several…

  • Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Post Script Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and…

  • Can One Will Their Own Freedom Without Willing the Freedom of Others?

    Freedom is defined as the right or the power to act, think, and speaks as individual desires. Humans tend to fight for freedom collectively, especially if the most influential individuals trigger its influence. An analysis of human psychology indicates that people act independently and always strive to abide by the decisions that maximize their self-interests.…

  • Religious Freedom and Identity of Believers

    Adichie, Chimamanda. The Danger of a Single Story. TED, 2009. This TED lecture is a valuable source of information on the researched topic of identity and freedom, which emphasizes the importance of cultural identity as a path to freedom. Adichie creates a narration of her biography through the discussion of her journey toward becoming her…

  • Freedom and Responsibility: Correlation Analysis

    The chosen issue is the correlation between freedom and responsibility. These two notions are interrelated through social, political, and ethical norms. The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today an essential value of society. There can be no limitless, absolute freedom while there is a social order. A person is a member…

  • Coronavirus Could Trigger a Backslide on Freedom

    The debate on the importance of freedom and security has a long history. With the emergence and development of states, people began to contemplate the dilemma of liberty and public safety. The governmental response to the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to the discussion and can be examined as a real-life instance of this social issue. In…

  • Freedom of Speech: The Basic Human Right

    Figure 1: A Protester calling for greater freedom of speech (Source: The Washington Post) Freedom of speech allows everyone to seek, receive and impart information. People and communities should articulate their opinions, thoughts, and ideas without fear of any form of intimidation. Figure 1 above is an image to illustrate the restriction of freedom of…

  • Article Escape From Freedom by Costello et al.

    Table of Contents Introduction Escape from Freedom: Authoritarianism vs. Determinism Conclusion Work Cited Introduction This work discusses the hypothetical connection between authoritarianism and determinism. Firstly, it explains how Costello et al. (2019) described the concept of free will as fatalistic determinism, scientific determinism, and unpredictability (p. 7). Later authors discuss the first notions of this…

  • Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Post Script Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and…

  • American Freedom and Human Rights

    For centuries millions of Americans have been building democracy and fighting against devastating laws. Sometimes it feels like a will to be free became a part of their identity, and the residents cannot live without it. American spirit consists of a dream of innocence and freedom (Baym & Levine, 2012). Every government subconsciously or consciously…