Category: Gender

  • Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults

    Introduction The definition of gender and sex is controversial and has resulted in the adoption of various terms with different meanings between distinct disciplines. Confusion chiefly stems from the fact that the English language defines sex as the state of being female or male and also sexuality. Sexuality and sex denote the biological indicators of…

  • Gender and Education by David, Ball, Davies, and Reay

    Table of Contents Introduction A Statement of the Research Problem Analysis of the Data Strength and Weaknesses in the Procedural Design Limited and Justifiable Conclusions References Introduction Nowadays the choice of higher education plays an important role in professional self-determination. Making the choice is not easy as the market of educational services is very wide…

  • The Impact of Gender on Pay and Their Gap

    The difference between the amount of money paid to men and women is a worldwide issue. The problem has been persistent for decades despite womens efforts for equality in the job market. According to Schieder and Gould (2016), women are paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. (1) Most organizations, particularly private companies,…

  • Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in the U.S.

    Relationships Between Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the American Society Although sex, gender, and sexuality are different phenomena, they are closely interrelated. Sex is seen as a biological category defined by ones genitals, hormones, and chromosome set, while gender includes social behaviors and traits essential for biological sex. The concept of sexuality refers to a…

  • Autonomy in Harmonizing Gender Relations

    In connection with the transformation of gender identity and sexual orientation, this non-binarity reveals the topic of democratization of personal life, which allowed to properly examine a persons sexuality. There are deep sources of tension in contemporary gender relationships. It is important to focus on the successful role of autonomy in harmonizing gender relations, which…

  • Racial and Gender Issues in Modern Society

    Table of Contents Medical Gayz Racialized and Colonized Bodies Conclusion References Medical Gayz When society seeks a biological basis for human desires and behaviors, it increases the danger of attributing a quality of determination to behavior patterns that otherwise may have been left for an individuals choice. If a gay gene was discovered, it could…

  • Gender Inequality in Modern Societies and Its Reasons

    The first essay is devoted to gender inequality in modern societies and its reasons. The best part of the essay is the definitions provided and a short history of societys development that show the reasons for inequality. The thesis statement is clear and includes contradictive opinions, which are discussed further in the paper. The most…

  • Gender Issues in the Us Correctional System

    Historically, males have represented the vast majority of the prison population in the US. Hence, until the second half of the 20th century, the correctional system used a gender-neutral approach, which largely disregarded womens specific needs and problems. Recent research suggests that implementing gender-informed programs can significantly impact the quality of life of the female…

  • Gender Norms in Different Cultures

    The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women in MMA, the general public…

  • Challenging Gender Norms: Personal Experience

    The traditional approach of reinforcing certain gendered norms on people is a common practice in many countries. I plan to wear makeup for the whole day to challenge these commonly accepted gender socialization norms, which also run contrary to the way I perform gender daily. Wearing makeup relates to this issue, as girls are expected…