Category: Gender

  • Sex Under Pressure: Jerks, Boorish Behavior, and Gender Hierarchy by S. A. Anderson

    Scott Andersons work raises issues for the discussion related to forcing one person by another to have sex. There are many gradations of this problem, the most extreme of which is rape. However, Andreson focuses his reasoning on more subtle activities, such as coercion, seduction, and gender oppression. Moreover, seduction in the context of the…

  • Household Composition and Gender Differences

    The research piece Household Composition and Gender Differences in Parental Time Investments by Andrew J. Bibler focuses on empirical evidence that parental time investments differ significantly by child gender in a situation when the transition to a single-mother household occurs. In such cases, male adolescents experience 30% fewer parental attention and time investment weekly. The…

  • Factors of the Gender Pay Gap

    Table of Contents Research Proposal Research Question and Tentative Hypothesis Progress on Research Project Plans for Argument Conclusion References Research Proposal Considering the gender pay gap, scientists, government agencies, and business representatives agree that it exists in different organizations across the US for females and males. Nonetheless, gender discrimination and sexism that are usually named…

  • Development of Gender Labeling by Etaugh

    Summary of the Article In the article Development of gender labeling: Effect of age of pictured children, Etaugh et al. consider the relationship between gender discrimination and age. Undoubtedly, gender studies are quite relevant at present, and this paper is dedicated to a particular issue: it notes the changes in perception of gender with age.…

  • Gender and Sexual Labeling

    The two major categories for gender and sexuality labeling that are recurrently used within contemporary society are related either to (a) specific actions or (b) particular identities. For the queer community, the situation is different because it does not adhere to any existing categories such as sodomite (action-based labeling) or trans (identity-based labeling), for example.…

  • Gender: Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

    Undoubtedly, it is challenging to discover whether people choose their sexual orientation on their own or live with it from birth. On the one hand, according to Steensma et al. (2013), psychological factors, such as child and parental characteristics, and the biological ones, such as the effects of parental exposure to gonadal hormones and the…

  • Queer Representation of Gender and Sexual Non-Conformity

    This assignment aims to highlight the role of media and television in determining gender or sex roles for the consumers to follow, among others. Queer representation, as portrayed in San Junipero, an episode from Black Mirror, incorporates several aspects of society. Religion is expected to take the higher road and actively criticize the LGBTQ agenda…

  • Gender, Race, and Trade Unions

    Career achievements and personal characteristics may not be the only criteria employers consider during the hiring process. Bias based on gender or race is present whenever an employee or potential applicant is treated in a different way. Moreover, gender discrimination affects wages since it is evident that women are paid less than men due to…

  • Job Limitation and Gender Sensitivity

    Various organizational structures, processes, and practices are some of the issues which undermine gender equality. Women, just like men, have rewarding ideas if given opportunities to be heard. Female employees are made to live with aspects of discrimination, yet their work production capability is substantial. Much worse, human resource managers have a responsibility for handling…

  • Representing Islam: Racial and Gender Identities

    As an individual whose family had immigrated to North America from Africa, my identity has been closely associated with trying to fit in. Being a woman of color, particular challenges come into play, shaping not only personal experiences and interactions with the world but also my self-perception and self-identity. For African women, racial and ethnic…