Category: Goals

  • Social Service Plan, Its Goals and Actions

    Setting aims for the people attending social services is a crucial step in human and social services professionals work. When the targets are determined properly, the outcomes of an interview and further work with a client will be successful and rewarding. To establish and reach the goals most efficiently, it is necessary to create a…

  • Joyas Voladoras by Brian Doyle: How to Achieve Life Goals

    Table of Contents Introduction Short Background Personal Reflection Making Connections Conclusion Introduction Writers and artists employ different tools, techniques, and literary devices to pass the intended message to the readers. Individuals should follow such works in an effort to acquire additional insights and relate them to some of the challenges they might encounter in their…

  • Moral Philosophy: Goals and Concepts

    Table of Contents Preliminary steps to appreciate the rightness of an action The attributes of a morally good action Moral duty and purpose Moral and virtuous actions The goals of moral philosophy Reference Preliminary steps to appreciate the rightness of an action Before people can intuitively appreciate the rightness of a certain action, they may…

  • When the Means Defeat the Goals: Thomas More and Georges Danton

    Table of Contents Introduction Thomas More Georges Danton The conflict between goals and means Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The dilemma of using any means necessary for achieving noble goals has always been prevalent in philosophical and political discussions. Every country has examples of engaging in authoritarian measures to accomplish a higher objective, yet the implications…

  • Livonia Citys Goals and Public Administration

    Table of Contents Introduction Criteria Strengths and Weaknesses Selected Choice and Suggested Change Political Party System Why the Selected Option is the Best for Livonia Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The present situation presents a new opportunity for Livonia to create and promulgate a new constitution that will make it democracy and continue to meet the…

  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Table of Contents Selected Goal Significance of the Goal Relevant Topics to the Issue References Selected Goal The selected goal is the Protection of vulnerable communities. Significance of the Goal The goal is important as it addresses key issues that affect the humanity of different communities. Protecting victims of crime from being exploited and re-victimized…

  • Pursuing National Goals and Pursuing Transnational

    Table of Contents The characteristics of a modern nation-state United States criteria and functions on modern nation-state Foreign policy objectives for the United States European Union as a transnational entity The major institutions and nations The contemporary functions of the European Union Examples of foreign policy objectives for the European Union United States and the…

  • President James K. Polks Policies and Goals

    Table of Contents Introduction Goals and Achievements Shortcoming and Failures Criticisms Honesty of Discussions Attitudes Towards Mexico Attitudes Regarding Slavery Civil War Anticipation Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Several notable events marked the 11th presidency of the United States by James Knox Polk. An unlikely president, criticized by the Whig Party opposition before, throughout, and after…

  • Care Quality and Patient Satisfaction as Healthcare Goals

    Discussion Chapter 8 Quality of care has always been a primary concern of institutions involved in healthcare. Studer (2014) in one of the chapters of The Healthcare Quality Book focuses on the issue of consistent quality delivery and its hardwiring. According to Porter (as cited in Studer, 2014, p. 193), quality is treated as the…

  • Nightingales Philosophy and Millennium Goals

    Contemporary globalization processes eliminate the boundaries used to restrict the spread of many diseases and make health preservation a global concern. Together with national and international organizations, nurses in cooperation with other healthcare practitioners can contribute to mobilizing new approaches to education, healthcare delivery, and disease prevention (Beck, Dossey, & Rushton, 2011, p, 71). To…