Category: God

  • Eliezers Struggle to Keep His Faith in God in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel



    In his book Night, Elie Wiesel shares his experience of surviving some of the most tragic experiences in the history of humanity which is the Holocaust. Throughout the book, the audience may see a number of important themes, and one of them is the theme of Eliezers struggle to keep his faith in God. The…

  • Descartes View on God, Evil Demon, and Cartesian Circle



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Summary Work Cited Introduction Rene Descartes is known for his ontological argumentation in support of the existence of God. However, there are several issues with the view of the omnipotent and perfect God. For example, atheists appeal to the idea that if God existed, he would strive to prevent…

  • Analysis of Arguments for Gods Existence



    There are different approaches in philosophy that discuss the existence of God from all viewpoints. Some intend to prove that God exists, whereas other concepts support the idea of his non-existence. The third ones suggest the idea of agnosticism, claiming that it is not possible to prove the existence or non-existence of God. The basis…

  • God Is Dead: Friedrich Nietzsche Argument



    Table of Contents Introduction Reconstruction of the Argument Reaction to the Argument Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the problem of God or any other immaterial power that can explain humans existence. Friedrich Nietzsche, who lived during the Industrial Revolution that brought crucial changes not only to the everyday life…

  • Issues in Philosophy: Does God Exist?



    Religion and God are personal beliefs and depend upon whether individuals believe in the existence of God. Nils Rauhut asserts that belief in God should be accompanied by devotion through prayer religious rituals and readings of the holy books like Bible or Koran (Pg. 173). On the other hand, disbelief in God would be accompanied…

  • Stoicism: Theory on God and Theory on Emotions



    The ancient philosophy, Stoicism, suggests people can track down joy by depending on their internal identity by offering security and harmony notwithstanding savagery. Stoics instructed that excellence, the most elevated great, depends on information and that the astute can live in amicability with the heavenly (Tanner 24). The Stoic God is an all-inescapable, intrinsic, dynamic…

  • Existence of God: Philosophical Proofs



    Table of Contents Introduction St. Thomas Aquinas Cosmological Argument St.Anselms Ontological Argument Conclusion Works Cited Introduction I will argue in support of the argument brought forward by St. Aquinas that God exists since we can experience him through our senses, live up to his purposes and be guided by his perfect will. Human beings are…

  • Philosophy. God, Omnipotence, and Evil



    There are so many religions that are followed by numerous people all across the globe, and it is considered by many who believe in God that God is present everywhere, which means there is omnipotence with regard to the presence of God. Many religions teach the followers that God is present everywhere; thats what omnipotent…

  • Descartes Proofs of Gods Existence and Explanation of Human Errors



    Table of Contents Introduction Third Meditation. Cosmological Proof of God Fifth Meditation. Ontological Proof of God Meditation 4. Why Humans Make Errors Conclusion Works Cited Introduction A famous treatise Meditations on First Philosophy, published by the French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist René Descartes in 1641, contains several ambitious claims. First of all, Descartes attempted to…

  • Craig-Dacey Formal Debate on the Existence of God



    In the dispute is born truth. Socrates The world of man is full of various things to excite the imagination and personal way of thinking. People tend to adhere to their own opinion so that to incline others to follow their prospects on the problem. Thus, in society, namely, in antique times, people got accustomed…