Category: Google

  • Analysis: Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Carr

    The impact of technological progress on peoples consciousness and thinking capacity has always been under study in current research. With the rapid expansion of the Internet in the recent two to three decades, the social landscape has transformed significantly due to increased reliance on digital communication, remote work, and assistive technologies that help in everyday…

  • Google in China: Global Technology Concerns

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Transcultural global ethics is a subject that raises several heated discussions in the field of business. The situation with Google quitting China contributes to that topic since it raises a conversation about how global companies should conduct their business while respecting human rights. After all, Google…

  • Googles Backpedaling Shows Why Its Hard Not to Be Evil Article by Bensinger

    The New York Times article Googles Backpedaling Shows Why Its Hard Not to Be Evil argues that famous tech companies disregard consumer demand and specific governmental regulations. The author, Greg Bensinger, suggests that Big Tech corporations are willing to engage in unethical behavior that compromises their reputation and the customers rights for privacy. Big Tech…

  • Google Companys Search Engine Algorithms

    Executive Summary Google is the most successful search engine in the global market currently. The firm has been able to achieve success because of its unique search engine algorithm and other unique factors. However, the demand by the German government that it should reveal its search engine algorithm may have serious negative impacts on the…

  • Europe in Favor of Google Break-Up

    Table of Contents History Summary The situation of Google after the vote Conclusion Works Cited History Google is one of the most used search engines in the world. The company has gained global recognition for its good products, exemplary business model, growth of technology, and positive influence in the society. Google enjoys a lot of…

  • Google Inc.: The Right Ads at the Right Time

    The fact that companies gather data about potential customers to make advertising effective is no wonder. Notwithstanding, the Internet has made it feasible for organizations to lead these exercises on an unprecedented scale. The Internet empowers organizations to actuate clients to attempt new items with more accomplishment than they recently had. Numerous ads show shoppers…

  • Google vs. Oracle Executive Summary

    Google v. Oracle case is the current federal trial in the United States. About six years ago, Oracle, namely Oracle America, sued Google for patent and copyright infringement & over Googles use of Java Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in its Android Operating System (Alam, 2019, p. 39). The case was in consideration of the US…

  • Google and AbbVie Merger-Related Issues

    Introduction In the contemporary business sphere, international companies have taken on different growth and expansion strategies. A merger is one of the most commonly adopted approaches. Ravenscraft and Scherer defined a merger as a statutory combination of at least two companies by transferring the properties of one business to another thus forming a single corporation…

  • Google Duo Product and Consumer Decision-Making

    Steps of the consumer decision-making process in deciding whether to adopt Google Duo The decision-making process (Hoffman & Bateson, 2011) would be as follows. Need recognition The need might be recognised on its own, or the process of need recognition could be induced by hearing about the new app. Search for information An Internet search…

  • Eric Schmidts Speech on Google Inc.s Future

    Table of Contents Introduction: Background Audience Analysis Content Analysis Conclusion: Anticipated Problems Works Cited Introduction: Background Representing literally the best of corporate values, i.e., the energy, the enthusiasm (Stop CEO 00:00:19), Google, Inc. is clearly among the top most successful companies of the XXI century. In his recent speech, the CEO of Google, Inc., Eric…