Category: Hard Work

  • Live to Work or Work to Live

    Dr. Tetsunojyo Uehara first used the term of N´{ (karoshi), and it is defined as ‘death from overwork and stress’. Since the latter half of the 1980s, karojisatsu has also become a social issue in Japan. The occurrence of overwork death is closely related to a country’s unique economic and social conditions, and even the…

  • Negative Effects of Over-Dedication to Work

    Constituted as an ideal, favorable way of living, the American Dream is achieved through hard work and dedication. Yet, some take diligence and dedication to hard work to an extreme causing them an unhealthy relationship between themselves and their occupation. As Clausen claims, dedication to ones work proves disadvantageous and creates conflict with other aspects…

  • A Mans Best Weapon is His Work

    If a man shrinks then the nation will be known for its weakness, but if he strives then the nation will be known for its glory. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States and in 1899, he gave his famous speech The Strenuous Life. This speech was a collection of Roosevelts works…

  • Reflections on Whether Hard Work Always Equals Success

    Over the pass of time, many people were whining about their work and benefit. They said they could work 8 hours long but they could never really succeed remaining stuck in the same position during years or maybe during a lifetime. Well, I will argue that the key to success does not only depends on…

  • Essay Natural Ability Hard Work

    Talent is an inborn pleasant that that offers us a clever way to gain success. Talent is useless till we work difficult for it. One has to never sit down on a sofa and assume a correct result. Just due to the fact one has intelligence it would not mean that it can reap success…