Category: Health Care Policy

  • An Overview of Health Care Financing in Taiwan: Analysis of Issues Concerning Health Insurance

    An Overview of Health Care Financing in Taiwan Taiwan is a small island in the eastern part of Asia (midway between the Japan and the Philippines) that is constantly under political debate and diplomatic isolation. Taiwan has been independent since the 1950s, yet China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and insists nations cannot have official…

  • Essay on Mental Health Care Issues in Prisons

    Before attempting to understand how the standard of mental health care is tied to larger issues within the prison system, it is important to establish how mental health care is insufficient in a broad sense. When looking at the rates of mental illness within the incarcerated population, it becomes clear that a strong system of…

  • Health Care System in Sudan

    The Republic of Sudan is situated in the northeast of Africa and is considered to be a low-middle-income country. It is the third largest African country in terms of geographical coverage after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nation has a well-established healthcare system with many drawbacks, mostly due to economic and…

  • What Does Public Health Mean to You: Narrative Essay

    During the second half of the semester, I tried to prioritize getting enough sleep at night by altering my behavior in a number of ways. Previously, I proposed that I would improve my time management in order to reduce my stress levels and have more time to sleep. At the beginning of every week, I…

  • Preventing HIV Infections Using HIV Education

    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that attacks and destroys the immune systems helper T cells, placing a person at risk for further infection and disease. Spread by bodily fluids through sexual contact, coming in contact with infected blood, and with the use of infected drug needles or equipment, HIV is becoming more and…

  • Essay on Who Began Public Health and Sanitation Systems

    Public health in the Victorian era is a sharp contrast to what public health is today, majorly due to the healthcare practices and general public health sanitation conditions. The Victorian era refers to the period in the reign of Queen Victoria from June 20 1837 to her demise on January 22, 1901. This period was…

  • Informative Speech for Universal Healthcare

    The American government is making efforts to reform the national healthcare system to ensure that all citizens have access to affordable healthcare. The current system is complicated, with some people relying on private insurance and government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Although those government-funded programs aim at increasing access to health services, they are limited…

  • Persuasive Speech for True Universal Healthcare

    Health care is the most important part of living for everyone. We somehow managed to make it expensive and not accessible to everyone. On med city news they did a survey on how many Americans cant afford health care. The survey states that with 18% of Americans saying in a new survey that they would…

  • Universal Healthcare: Persuasive Speech

    Our life becomes easier with advanced technology, especially in healthcare. Good healthcare not only help us prevent sickness but also gives us access to medicine right away if we, unfortunately, catch a cold or something even more serious. Indeed, without it, we wouldnt have been able to do anything because we wont have good health…

  • Universal Healthcare in America Study: Thesis Statement

    Strive as we might to maintain our health, in the end, to grow sick and frail is an unavoidable part of the human condition. Thus, securing the access to affordable health care should be an important topic for all U.S. citizens. The wealthiest country in the world should not force their citizens to choose between…