Category: Healthcare

  • Legal Documents in the Healthcare Industry

    Table of Contents Advance Directive Form Physical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Form Comparison between POLST and Advanced Directive References Advance Directive Form An Advance Directive (AD) is a document containing the wishes of a patient in the event they are terminally ill and completely out of their consciousness. There are different Advanced Directive forms…

  • Practices for Healthcare Staffs Personal Safety

    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic presents a significant public health challenge. Stakeholders have highlighted prevention as the mainstay of controlling the disease. Consequently, the health institution I work in adopted several strategies to prevent infection among the healthcare staff, patients, and the public. For instance, at the outpatient department where I am stationed, the…

  • Evaluation of Levels of Evidence in Healthcare Studies

    Table of Contents Discussion Post Reply to the 1st Post Reply to the 2nd Post References Discussion Post In spite of the fact that well-designed randomized trials (RCTs) are frequently appointed the most elevated level of proof, not all RCTs are conducted appropriately, and the outcomes ought to be deliberately investigated. An inadequately directed RCT…

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator in Healthcare

    Introduction Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a term in the medical field that refers to the emergency process involving a combination of chest comprehensions using artificial ventilation. The purpose of CPR is to preserve intact brain operation manually before other steps are taken to restore the normal breathing and circulation of blood when a person is…

  • The Role of the Delegation and Supervision in the Healthcare

    The ever-changing working dynamics have led to the dire need to embrace delegation and supervision in different workplaces. According to Wagner (2018), delegation refers to the transfer of responsibilities from one person to another. In a nursing setting, it represents a clinical nurse directing another staff to perform nursing activities and tasks. Supervision and teamwork…

  • Healthcare Services Delivery: The Golden Rule Application

    Table of Contents Introduction The Utilization of Golden Rule to Health Care Provision Conclusion Reference Introduction The Golden Rule directs people to do what they will choose for themselves for others. Works of compassion and caring that go above and beyond business as normal or usual treatment are based on the Golden Rule (Doherty &…

  • Grants and Sources in Healthcare

    Oral health remains one of the most widely important health care spheres because the majority of people find themselves in need of dental care services regularly and repeatedly throughout their lives. Due to the cost of such services, many may not be able to afford them, and it should be recognized that this is not…

  • Medicare: Choosing a Healthcare Facility Based on Quality and Safety

    Medicares official website contains sets of different types of information with a focus on Medicare programs. The database of this agency also includes data helping people to choose the most appropriate healthcare facility (, n.d.). Such variables as available services, sufficient staffing, and social components are highlighted as primary aspects to consider when choosing a…

  • Healthcare System Trends in the United States

    When developing this in 2018, the Senate had failed to invalidate, exchange, or alter the Affordable Care Act (ACA); therefore, the market left did not change from a legislative appearance. Persistent change of market before and after implementing the ACA has left ACA exchange in trouble. The troubles are related to finance providers, encountering decreased…

  • Healthcare Economics in Budgeting the Limited Resources: Opioid Crisis

    Table of Contents Introduction Opioid Crisis Organizations involved in Treating the Condition Policy Analysis Framework Ways of Controlling the Opioid Crisis Evaluation References Introduction Healthcare economics is the application of economic principles in solving healthcare issues. The production theory of healthcare economy principles can be applied in determining the efficient use of the hospitals resources.…