Category: Heart Disease

  • The Causes of Congestive Heart Failure

    A literature review is a description of a publication on a certain subject attributed by researchers. In the selection of the topic of study by the researchers, there are some procedures that are usually followed. For instance: appraisal of the allied literature. This furthermore entails the methodical recognition of the editorials, tracing the source along…

  • Chronic Bronchitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension

    Table of Contents Introduction Recommendations for chronic bronchitis Suspected heart failure and its pathogenesis Hypertension type and rationale for medications Lipid panel analysis HbA1c test and its rationale Conclusion References Introduction Chronic bronchitis (CB) is one of the usual occurrences during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It presents divergent clinical complications such as a risk…

  • Congestive Heart Failure: Patient Education Plan

    Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is considered to be a leading cause of hospitalization for those over the age of 65 (Azad & Lemay, 2014, p. 329). The condition represents a serious economic burden for patients and hospitals. Moreover, it may adversely affect the quality of life and become a source of distress for the…

  • Readmission Rates: Heart Failure

    Abstract This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after ones discharge from the hospital. The author examines whether an intervention of self-care education performed by nurses of the hospital before patients discharge can improve the outcomes of discharge and reduce the…

  • Congestive Heart Failure Patients Treatment Options

    Table of Contents Introduction Sample/Setting Sampling Strategy Research Design Conclusion References Introduction Treatment options for patients with congestive heart failure are primarily determined by the professional skills of health workers and by the desire of sufferers themselves to recover. For this purpose, the research should be carried out to determine which sampling strategy will be…

  • Congestive Heart Failure and Reducing Readmission Rates

    Table of Contents Topic Proposal Study Purpose and My Interest in this Topic Intended Target Audience Research Questions Initial Problem Statement Hypothesis References Topic Proposal The topic proposed is the way to reduce congestive heart failure (CHF) readmission rate. In healthcare, the readmission rate is hospital admission due to episodes of acute coronary infarction within…

  • Reducing Congestive Heart Failure Readmission Rates

    Abstract This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after ones discharge from the hospital. The author examined whether an intervention of self-care education performed by nurses in the hospital before patients discharge could improve the outcomes of the discharge and reduce…

  • Heart Failure Patients and Telenursing Intervention

    Table of Contents Introduction Description of the Research Question Research Design Description of the Sample Data Collection Method Limitations of the Study Findings Reported in the Study Summary References Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to…

  • Impact of a Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention Program on the Quality of Life in Patients With Heart Failure in a District Hospital of Greece: Article Critique

    Table of Contents Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Methods Limitations Findings Conclusion References There is no doubt that practices applied by nurses have a significant influence on the quality of lives of patients. In his article, Stavrianopoulos (2016) evaluates the effectiveness of one of the methods utilized by nurses working with patients who…

  • Congestive Heart Failure Studies: Data Analysis

    Data Analysis for Demographic Variables Demographic variables for this project include age, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status because professionals tend to reveal that heart failure affects people when they become older. With the help of analyzing demographic variables and presenting descriptive statistics, it will be possible not only to identify at what age people…