Category: Heart Disease

  • American Association of Heart Failure Nurses

    Nursing associations may play a considerable role in the professional development of a nurse by providing education and creating information-sharing networks. An example of such an organization is the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN). The organization seeks to set and maintain standards for heart failure nursing based on research and clinical practice and…

  • Reliability and Limitations of Automated Arrhythmia Detection by Kurka et al.

    Table of Contents Background Purpose of the Study Subjects and Methods Data Analysis Conclusions Implications Strengths and Limitations Work Cited Background Patients with cardiovascular issues require specific care and proper ECG monitoring, which is vital for patients with acute stroke. This monitoring is often implemented with the help of automated arrhythmia detection (Kurka et al.…

  • Preventing Hospital Readmissions for Congestive Heart Failure

    One of the main causes of hospitalization is a congestive heart failure (HF). This is a world-scale problem. However, most heart-failure patients are readmitted after discharge. The main goals of this paper are to review the key aspects of congestive heart failure and analyze the measures that prevent readmissions. Article Review There is a perception…

  • Congestive Heart Failure and Nutrition Issues

    In the case under analysis, four essential problems can be identified immediately. These include the patients CHF, retention of fluid, nutrition issues, and loneliness. The hospitalization due to the exacerbation of CHF, hypertension, weight loss, and the development of depression after the loss of her husband can be considered the evidence that supports the concerns…

  • Congestive Heart Failure Education and Readmission Rates

    Developing a Question In elderly patients (P), does receive congestive heart failure education with a post-discharge follow-up (I) compared to not receiving one (C) decrease the risk of heart failure readmissions (O) within a months time post-discharge (T)? Identifying a Problem Setting The problem of educational deficit in relation to congestive heart failure (CHF) in…

  • Hospital Readmissions Reduction in Heart Failure

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction This paper discusses the study by Donaho et al. (2015), which is entitled ProtocolDriven Allied Health PostDischarge Transition Clinic to Reduce Hospital Readmissions in Heart Failure. An assessment of the methodology employed by the authors of the said study is proposed. The provided questions about the…

  • Heart Failure Readmission and Preventive Measures

    Table of Contents Introduction Review of Literature Conclusion References Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) afflicts more than 5 million people in the United States (Garcia & Bradford, 2017). Advancements in health research have availed different CHF therapies. However, the incidence and prevalence of the disorder continue to trouble the healthcare system as indicated by increased…

  • Heart Failure Education: Implementation Phase

    Table of Contents Introduction Flow Process and Time Frame Personnel and Material Needs Estimated Budgetary Needs Resources and Statistical Tools Conclusions References Introduction Initiating an intervention always requires a solid implementation plan in order to successfully achieve the goals and objective of the research. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the major causes of…

  • Cardiomyopathy Treatment and Patient Education

    Table of Contents Approach to Care Treatment Plan Teaching Method Teaching Plan References Approach to Care First, it is important to discuss Mr. Ps diagnosis in brief. Cardiomyopathy is a health condition characterized by abnormal heart muscle (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Congestive heart failure takes place in patients whose heart muscle is unable to pump…

  • Chronic Heart Failure, Care and Teaching Plan

    Table of Contents Introduction Approach to Care Recommended Treatment Plan A Method to Provide Education Teaching Plan Conclusion References Introduction Chronic heart failure (CHF) is among the leading causes of hospitalization for elderly patients. Approximately 50% of hospital re-admissions are attributed to co-morbidities connected to CHF (Azad & Lemay, 2014). This paper examines the case…