Category: Heart Disease

  • Heart Failure Rehospitalization and Nursing Care

    One of the emerging issues in health care is the prevention of unnecessary re-hospitalization of patients diagnosed with certain conditions such as heart failure (Verhaegh et al., 2014). In the recent past, a number of strategies have been implemented by hospitals to reduce healthcare costs and offer quality patient care. The proposed research study is…

  • Heart Failure Readmissions: Nursing Study Design

    Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review Methodology and Design Sampling and Tools Flowchart Conclusion References Introduction The readmission of patients with heart failure is a critical problem for the healthcare sector. The quality of treatment and the utilized methods of care delivery significantly impact outcomes and the quality of treatment; however, the question remains as…

  • Heart Failure: Preventing Readmissions and Repeated Hospitalizations

    Table of Contents Literature Review Methodology and Design Sampling Methodology Necessary Tools Research Algorithm References Literature Review Prevention of readmissions and repeated hospitalizations is a primary task of contemporary healthcare. This issue is related to both the improvement of the quality of care and reduction of costs spent during repeated hospitalizations. Early hospital readmissions occurring…

  • Heart Failure Patients Education and Readmission

    Table of Contents Introduction Extraneous Variables Instruments Intervention Data Collection Conclusion References Introduction The present study focuses on the provision of educational services to congestive heart failure patients and its effects on this populations readmission rates. When conducting a study, it is essential to identify variables properly. Extraneous variables should also be detected and control…

  • Heart Failure Causes and Readmission Factors

    Table of Contents Introduction Ethical Issues Limitations of the Proposed Study Implications for Practice References Introduction The primary goal of this research paper is to discover the main causes of heart failure and factors that have a direct impact on readmission rates of patients with this medical condition. It is of paramount importance to study…

  • Heart Failure Readmission: Evidence-Based Project

    Table of Contents Introduction EBP vs. A Research Project Description of the Problem The relevance of the Project Conclusion References Introduction Heart failure (HF) is a clinical symptom that occurs when impairment of ventricular filling prevents the heart from properly maintaining blood flow (ACCF/AHA, 2013). A recent report issued by the Center for Disease Control…

  • Chronic Heart Failure Management: Design Phase

    Literature Review In the USA, chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the most common causes of hospital readmission. Ziaeian and Fonarow (2016) report that medical therapies that are found to be beneficial for CHF outcomes and readmission rates are critically underutilized in patients. The authors highlight the following strategies for reducing the CHF readmission…

  • Heart Failure: Nursing Research in Design Phase

    Table of Contents Literature Review Methodology and Design Sampling Methodology Necessary Tools Algorithm Conclusion References It is worth noting that congestive heart failure is a pathology in which a patient experiences a violation in the circulation of oxygen. The heart of the individual cannot pump blood effectively, which leads to its status. With this pathology,…

  • Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention in Heart Failure

    Table of Contents Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Methods Limitations Findings Conclusion References The article under analysis is entitled Impact of a nurses-led telephone Intervention program on the quality of life in patients with heart failure in a district hospital of Greece. It was written by Theodosios Stavrianopoulos in 2016. The purpose of…

  • Home Visit to a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure

    This case study is a home visit with Ms. Sallie Mae who is an 82-year old widowed female patient, who lives alone and was recently discharged from the hospital for exacerbation of her congestive heart failure (CHF) with breathing difficulties, weight gain of 8-pounds, and pain in the chest. Ms. Sallie also has a diagnosis…