Category: High School

  • Altruistic Behavior and Life Values of Junior High School Students

    Altruism is one aspect of what social psychologists refer to as prosocial behavior. Its the principle and moral practice of an individual that concerns for happiness of other human beings or animals. It can be distinguished from feelings of loyalty but it doesnt consider as relationships. The Field of Prosocial Behavior The prosocial behavior has…

  • Critical Analysis of Traditions at Rockford Area Schools

    Whenever I visit other schools, I am always interested in the traditions and rituals that help establish that schools identity and what they value. Rockford Area Schools offers many traditions that bind our school community into a family and build a healthy environment. Most high schools have traditions around sports, for example. We are just…

  • Reflection on My Experiences with Australian Single-Sex Schooling: Research of Canterbury Boys High School

    Part A Canterbury Boys High School is a secondary school which consists of male students from years 7-12, the school has a small student populus compared to other schools within the area, there is a majority of students who are from a language background other than English (LBOTE). The school is located in the sydney…

  • Studying Middle School Versus High School: Reflective Essay

    My only goal was to make my family proud of me. I grew up with a single mother and my twin brother, Jevon. It was hard growing up because my mother worked until late hours trying to provide for Jevon and I. My father popped up here and there, so I didnt have a strong…

  • The Vital Role of Honor Codes in the Structure of American High Schools

    The classroom environment offers positive insight and new ideas but lurches with cheating scandals and bold noncompliances. To ameliorate the presence of dishonesty in the classroom, many schools implement honor codes with the sole purpose intended to cultivate integrity. The honor code system has been in place since the founding of various American high schools.…

  • Features of the Education System Model in Elysian

    A couple of years after the establishment of a stable colony at Elysian, there will be requirement of an education system which will provide Earth like education. However, the education pattern is designed in a way that it is relevant to the surroundings the children grow up in. A primary school will be located in…

  • Should Shakespeare Be Taught in High School Essay

    There is still reluctance among many secondary school students to accept Shakespeare as an author who speaks to them and their problems. This misguides them into thinking and focusing on the fact that Shakespeare’s language is too difficult. His work shows various ideologies and perspectives that surround a variety of societal and internal concepts. So…

  • Community Service Reflection Essay

    I have been a volunteer at this community service, Pertiwi Soup Kitchen, which is giving food and drinks or providing health services to the homeless in two places. Before I went to the community service, I found information and know exactly what I will do in this place, such as bringing children to take their…

  • Why Phones Should be Allowed in School Essay

    Introduction Phones have become a big part of our life no matter who we are. They are part of our lifestyles from the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes. It is already a major gadget that if it is taken away will just cause a major shift in peoples lives.…

  • Law School Essay

    Lasting Problems with Law School Culture Introduction We as law students have recently entered into a lifelong journey in the legal profession. The journey began in our respective undergraduate programs where we considered our next path in life. With this, we did our very best to get high grades and studied tirelessly for the LSAT.…