Category: Historical Figures

  • Examining the Ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

    Introduction Racial segregation, as a systemic effort to make African-Americans subordinate, was one of the critical problems of the US. Such a position denied equal access of African-Americans to public services and limited their rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the most prominent ministers and proponents of the struggle against racial segregation. While…

  • Oppositions in Martin Luther Kings Letter

    First, it should be noted how King approaches the issue of white privilege opposed to the lack of it for black people in his letter. This is a critical issue even in the modern world, and sometimes it becomes more acute. To fully describe the difference between the lives of blacks and whites, King contrasts…

  • Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Table of Contents Background Effectiveness of the Letter Conclusion Works Cited In 1842 Henry David Thoreau did not to pay his taxes. He did the same thing the following year. In 1846 he was arrested for failure to pay taxes. Thoreau decided not to pay his taxes in order to protest slavery (Dillman 1). It…

  • Struggles of Historical Figures

    Although nowadays we have the recent technologies that allow people to become stars in a second, these technologies can destroy the reputation of famous people and impact them adversely. Some people might think that it is easy to become influential and famous today due to the emergence of social media and the fast spread of…

  • Relevance of I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King

    Table of Contents Summary Definition of Terminologies Discussion of the Speech in Public Schools Current Relevance of the Speech References Summary The speech I have a dream by Martin Luther King narrated with empathy and wisdom Americans long fight for fairness. In the first part of the speech, he noted that he had a dream,…

  • Martin Luther Kings Letter from Birmingham Jail Speech

    Cause and Effect in MLKs Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther Kings (MLK) Letter from Birmingham Jail remains one of the most profound and poignant speeches ever produced. Addressing the contempt that the members of the clergy had for MLKs endeavor at promoting the idea of nonviolent resistance, the letter is a perfect specimen of…

  • I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King

    The speech was to give the Black people hope that one day there will be no discrimination, but till then, they will have to fight for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech explains Americas long history of racial injustice and invites his audience to hold their country to its own…

  • Defense of Civil Rights in Letter From Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King

    Table of Contents Introduction Just and Unjust Laws There is No Time for Waiting Oppression Reference Introduction Justice is a principle according to which people receive what they deserve. In ethics, as well as in legal and political philosophy, justice occupies a central position. The government, as well as society, are tasked to achieve this…

  • Examining the Ideas of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X

    Introduction Racial segregation, as a systemic effort to make African-Americans subordinate, was one of the critical problems of the US. Such a position denied equal access of African-Americans to public services and limited their rights. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are the most prominent ministers and proponents of the struggle against racial segregation. While…

  • Oppositions in Martin Luther Kings Letter

    First, it should be noted how King approaches the issue of white privilege opposed to the lack of it for black people in his letter. This is a critical issue even in the modern world, and sometimes it becomes more acute. To fully describe the difference between the lives of blacks and whites, King contrasts…