Category: History 3303

  • The International Connection of African History

    Table of Contents Introduction The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade War Capitalism World War and Decolonization Works Cited Introduction The African continent had been connected to the rest of the world since ancient times, and by the XI century, it was deeply embedded in international trade. Its central geographical position allowed access to and from all over…

  • Reasons Behind Independence of America

    The American declaration of independence was not a spontaneous act but rather a result of an incompetent rule on behalf of the British government. After suffering substantial losses from the war with the French, the Parliament had to find a way to house and pay for their soldiers and develop monetary policies to increase the…

  • The Teleological Narratives of History Books

    The significance of design and purpose has been placed quite high in the study of the key historical events and their weight in the context of the global environment. Therefore, the analysis of the essential readings that contain historical accounts of the crucial changes in peoples perception of foreign cultures and the idea of otherness,…

  • Why Did Africana Studies Emerge in the 1960s?

    Table of Contents Africana Studies Civil Rights Impact The Development of the Black Studies The Tendencies and the Critique Conclusion References The late 1960s became iconic year for the emergence and development of Black Studies. The disciplines that illustrate the cruel and challenging history of people full of bravery and tension enhanced to be a…

  • The Dark Ages in the History of Europe

    The history of Europe is full of the most diverse moments. Following what was characteristic of a particular age, historians assign names to each of the periods of history. Under this, the period from 400 to 1400 years is often called the Dark Ages. The purpose of this essay is to identify the relevance and…

  • The US History: Impactful Events of the 60s

    Table of Contents US Involvement in Vietnam Assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy Reaganomics Structural Factors Underlying Changes in America References US Involvement in Vietnam The Vietnam War has a rather severe significance for the history of the United States of America. The study of the causes and factors that led to…

  • William Swintons Thesis on the Human History Development

    The current paper is an argumentative essay that aims to provide a reasonable disagreement with William Swintons thesis on human history development. According to Swinton, there is only one civilization of progress, and it belongs to European people (Aryan races). The statement appears to be unreasonable due to the existence of numerous well-known facts in…

  • Underdeveloping Reasons of Africa, Asia and Latin America

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion References Introduction Two of the most critical contemporary global development concerns are poverty and globalization. Despite the vast possibilities of globalization to accelerate economic growth through increased international economic integration, its influence on reducing poverty levels has been inconsistent and even minimal in some countries. In many places…

  • Mexican American Nationalists Call for a Separate Republic in the Southwest

    The following document is a call for a separate republic to Texan Mexicans. At the time, they were experiencing violence and crimes committed by the Texas Rangers. The message was typed and features printed signatures of two people: the First Chief of Staff Luis de la Rosa and the Second Chief of Operations Aniceto Pizana.…

  • The Indian Removal Act of 1830

    The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a monumental legislation that violated the legal and political rights of Native Americans that was sanctioned by President Andrew Jackson. It authorized him to resettle Native Americans to the lands west of Mississippi so that their ancestral lands could be occupied by white settlers (Nelson, 2018). The goal…