Category: HIV

  • How is the Lack of HIV Work Done In Russia Affecting its Citizens?



    Introduction The Russian HIV crisis is getting worse, found to have the greatest number of people living with HIV (PLWH) in Europe and the fastest increasing number of new cases by 10-15% each year (UNAIDS, 2016), Russias epidemic is not improving. The consequence of this is HIV/AIDS now rising to the top ten causes of…

  • Facts over Fiction: HIV as a Social Implication in the Modern-day



    When the social status nor the circumstances are no longer coherent, a global pandemic ascends as people continue to scramble off in ignorance. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus or infamously known as HIV is a major social implication that everyone must aware of. As noted by the World Health Organization (2017), HIV is a virus known…

  • HIV Infection in Papua New Guinea



    Introduction Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a country faced with an array of diseases with malaria being one of its mascot epidemic as the tropical Climate facilitates external breeding environment for malarial parasites. However, HIV has gained rapid popularity since the first recorded case of an infected patient diagnosed in 1987 (The Virus Spreads, 2014).…

  • Should Pregnant Women Go through Mandatory HIV Testing?



    HIV (Human Immunodeficiency) is a virus that damage cells and our immune system. It also weakens the body ability to be able to fight infections and diseases. HIV can be primarily transmitted through the means of sexual intercourse. HIV is a virus that develops to AIDS if not treated as early as possible, the virus…

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)



    Introduction HIV represents human immunodeficiency infection. The infection can prompt AIDS if not treated. Dissimilar to some different infections, the human body can’t dispose of HIV totally, even with treatment. So once you get HIV, you have it forever (CDC, 2019). HIV assaults the body’s invulnerable framework, explicitly the CD4 cells (T cells), which help…

  • HIV Awareness in the Philippines



    The Philippines belong to most countries who experiencing the continually epidemic HIV, human immune deficiency virus that can destroy your immunity particularly the white blood cells that helping your body to keep away from foreign substances and killed them. AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is different from HIV, it is a syndrome that can be…

  • Socio-Economic Problems Faced by HIV Victims



    Introduction Nowadays, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is one of the most serious problems faced by many countries. AIDS is caused by Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV). It is considered to be an advance stage of HIV infection. HIV attacks the immune system of an individuals and makes them susceptible to other infections and certain types of…

  • Botswana: HIV Prevention Plan



    There are high rates of chronic infections among many cultures around the world. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, otherwise known as HIV, is one of the leading infections that can be transmitted in numerous ways affecting children, heterosexuals, and homosexuals, via blood transfusions, semen, vaginal fluids, rectal fluids, breast milk, accidents in a healthcare setting, blood…

  • 1999 Third World HIV Prevention Trials



    Third World HIV Prevention Trials. In February 1994, the Data Safety and Monitoring Board of the U.S. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases interrupted AIDS Clinical Trial Group (ACTG) Study 076 (22). The preliminary data revealed a statistically significant and dramatic difference in vertical HIV transmission rates from mothers to their newborns, between women…

  • HIV Public Health Solutions



    The public health issue of Human Immunodeficiency Virus also known as H.I.V. destroys your immune system by harming the white blood cells within your body. Many people with the deadly disease feel perfectly healthy after a long period of their infection, therefore it is difficult to track the symptoms of HIV. It is very important…