Category: Homelessness

  • Homelessness in Los Angeles: Causes and Solutions

    Table of Contents Introduction Homelessness is a Problematic Issue in the Community How Homelessness Arises from a Hobbesian Theory Understanding of a Community Based on Feminist Ethics How Empathy and Communal Cooperation Arise in Feminist Ethics How Jaggars Feminism Helps Address Homelessness Conclusion References Footnotes Introduction Los Angeles experiences several crises at the moment that…

  • Alleviation of Homelessness in California

    Table of Contents Introduction Addressing Homelessness in California Conclusion Works Cited Introduction California is one of the states with the largest number of homeless persons in the US. Homeless people in the US are among the most marginalized individuals, and they disproportionately experience high cases of mortality and morbidity, thus making homelessness a public health…

  • Homelessness and Housing-Levels of Policy Impact on Services User

    The definition of a house is not only limited to a roof over an individuals head. Apart from shelter, housing has several other purposes in modern societies. It can be referred to as a significant investment for many homes and is also classified as an industrial sector because it provides jobs and revenue to people.…

  • Addressing Homelessness Issue: Current Policies

    Table of Contents Introduction Current Policy Description and Goal Target Population Funding Levels: Sufficiency Effect on Homeless Individuals Effectiveness of the Policy Recommendations Conclusion References Introduction Social problems have the potential to affect the life experiences and health outcomes of many citizens in the affected regions. Within the past century, the American government has implemented…

  • Homelessness Policy in California

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Most of the homeless in America are concentrated in large cities. There are several cities in which the number of homeless people is so big that the situation with the growth of homelessness in them is called an epidemic. First of all, these are Los Angeles,…

  • Homelessness in Imperial Valley

    Homelessness usually involves people encountering extreme hardship and desperate situations. More than half a million people become homeless in the United States, just one night (Montgomery et al., 2016). Nearly seven million Americans have so far encountered homelessness; 65% of these are found in homeless shelters as the remaining 35% are unsheltered in the streets.…

  • The Problem of Homelessness in America

    Ethnic minorities remain disproportionately over-represented in the homeless population in the United States. Despite accounting for a small portion of the national population, African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos are the majority of the homeless in the country, representing 40%, 22%, and 3% of the homeless population, respectively (National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH), 2020).…

  • Homelessness to Mass Incarceration

    Introduction Homelessness and incarceration are two experiences with a two-fold correlation. Not only the conditions of homelessness make people vulnerable to the different societal factors that may lead to imprisonment, but also the experience of the incarceration creates a high possibility that the former inmates of the penitentiary institutions will be homeless after leaving the…

  • Christopher Gardners Rise from Homelessness

    Abstract This essay demonstrates the rise of Gardner from homelessness to richness using various psychological theories. These theories offer alternative explanations on crime and influencing factors. Gardners Rise from Homelessness to Financial Success and Current Status Chris Gardner is currently an investor, writer, philanthropist, actor and a motivational speaker who spends about 200 days every…

  • Vulnerabilities Associated With Homelessness

    Table of Contents Introduction Nature of Vulnerability Statistics Federal and State Policies for Reducing Homelessness Measuring Healthy People 2020 Objectives Role of Nurses in the Homeless Population Segments Conclusion Reference List Introduction Due to social status, homeless people in the US are vulnerable to health problems compared to people who are drawn from high socio-economic…