Category: Homer

  • Penelope and Weaving in Homers The Odyssey



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Throughout history, women have been considered the weaker sex. They long existed under the domination of men in both political power and physical abilities. Confinement and an emphasis on delicacy have for centuries been the hallmarks of a noble womans lifestyle. These attributes were imposed…

  • Love in The Odyssey by Homer, St. Augustines Confessions, and in Dantes Inferno

    Love has many faces, and each aesthetic work presents it in its way. Still, a narration about loves nature is endless as long as people are unable to word it; it is an infinite way of cognition that often sets its own rules. Homers famous character, Odysseus had to pass through numerous obstacles to reach…

  • Women in Homers World

    The society in Homers world is patriarchal. The men are the ones who rule. However, the women do appear and they can be categorized into three groups. The first group is that of the women who serve the male heroes, or are sacrificed for the sake of the men. These include Iphigenia, Artemis, Chrysies and…

  • Caution and Restraint in Books 17-20 of Homers The Odyssey

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Books 17-20 of Homers The Odyssey concentrate on Odysseus arrival to his palace in a beggars disguise and the adventures surrounding his unannounced return. There are several critical ideas reflected in these parts of the epic, including loyalty, pride, patience, a strategic approach, and Athenas…

  • Achilles Pride and Hubris in Homers The Iliad

    The Iliad is probably one of the most popular and influential Homers works around the globe. This epic poem provides the reader with a variety of images related to Ancient Greece, characters, both heroes and villains, and values that define human qualities. Pride is one of the strongest themes in the chosen story because it…

  • Homers Iliad and Sophocles Three Theban Plays

    The Greeks are some of the renowned writers who have ever been known. Although most of their works were done in the past, scholars still use their poems up to date. The Greeks seemed to have mastered the art of poetry and tales since the pieces were done in a style that drew their readers…

  • Homer Odysseus: Plot and Aspects

    The main plot of the series revolves around Odysseus return home after the Trojan War. God Poseidon set up a terrible sea storm, and the few survivors were scattered worldwide. The protagonist has the most challenging part, wandering for ten years and trying to return home, overcoming more difficult trials. In his native kingdom of…

  • The Odyssey by Homer: A Greek Poem Analysis

    Introduction Although Odyssey is an Ancient Greek poem, it is interesting to read even nowadays, when people got used to twisted plots. There are several basic topics in the poem, several of which are still actual for a modern person. The first topic is free will, which is reflected through the theme of gods intervention.…

  • The Iliad of Homer by Butler

    Homers epic poem, The Iliad, raises some existential questions pertaining to the roles of humans and gods in determining destiny. The extent and proportions of free will and fate in the poem are not clear as there is an ongoing struggle between the mortals and the immortals. People make plans that can protect them from…

  • Father-Son Relationships in The Odyssey by Homer

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis: Father-Son Dynamics in Odyssey Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Being one of the most famous Ancient Greek plays, Odyssey has entered the realm of global culture, having left its mark on countless artworks and generations of readers. The poem addresses a large variety of themes, yet the father-son dynamics is one…