Category: Homer

  • The Story of Telemachus in The Odyssey by Homer

    Numerous books exist in the world, presenting to readers various aspects of life. One of the most renowned literary works is the epic The Odyssey that represents the fascinating stories of Odysseus and his son Telemachus (Homer, 1996). While both characters go on complex journeys, Telemachuss quest reflects the search for ones identity, showing the…

  • Homers Penelope in The Odyssey

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In Homers epic story of Odysseus, the character that stands out most to me is the character, Penelope. Although she has been left behind to run her husbands kingdom and raise his son with little or no help, she still manages to find a way…

  • Homers Odysseus as a Favorite Hero

    True leadership requires the courage to stand alone, the fortitude to implore tough decisions, and the kindness to empathize with others. Odysseus, the protagonist of Homers Odyssey, the father of Telemachus, and the husband of Penelope, demonstrates how courageous, fearless, and effective a leader he is. Throughout the books early chapters, he demonstrates many leadership…

  • Gods in Homers Odyssey

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Analyzing Homers works, an interesting concept can be examined through the role of gods in his Odyssey and Iliad. This concept can be related to the sense of contradiction in the representation of gods, where on the one hand gods can be seen from the perspective…

  • Building Blocks of The Odyssey by Homer

    Introduction In Homers writing, morality is coded as a guarantee of a secure world. Strangers are viewed as harmless or dangerous, and when the residents see them, they should prepare for uncertainty if they do not handle them with wisdom. Homers depiction of Odysseus is an embodiment of a self-assured individual that is self-made. Odysseus,…

  • Analysis of Homers Idea of Excellence

    The heroism act happens in a moment of crisis where individuals who do anything remotely positive get the label of a hero. In ancient Greek, heroes were individuals endowed with superhuman capabilities, and the heroes were assumed to have descended from the perpetual gods themselves. Courage is at the top of the qualities of heroes…

  • Ancient Literature. Decision Making in Iliad by Homer

    The story of the Iliad is a famous one. When the cruel Trojan prince Paris abducts the queen of Agamemnon, Helen, war ensues between the two countries across the seas. Many heroes and gods take sides and fight the war. It is the first famous book written in Europe, written around 750 B. C. The…

  • Sundiata by Niane and The Odyssey by Homer Review

    The heroic epic that has been saved today represents stories that interested people many years ago. Sundiata and The Odyssey are epic poems from different cultures and eras  13th century West Africa and 8th century Greece respectively. They have few historical events, but in a significant way, they are artistic fiction. Despite remoteness in…

  • King Odysseus from Homers Epic The Odyssey

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Work Cited Introduction With various literary works existing in the world, analysis of particular aspects of a story can help in understanding it better. Such analysis can be focused on the character of king Odysseus, one of the main figures of Homers epic The Odyssey. King Odysseus represents a…

  • The Influence of the Epics of Homer The Illiad and The Odyssey on Modern Civilization

    Homers Odyssey has made an indisputable contribution to all Western civilizations development and remains relevant in the modern world. In addition, the protagonists personal qualities, such as courage and strength, make him famous and reflect the spirit of the society of Ancient Greece. These stories are an excellent illustration of the ancient Greek social structure,…