Category: Human Behavior

  • Grades Do Not Measure Intelligence

    In todays society the average parents main focus is to ensure that their child does remarkably well in school. With the basic grading scheme being A for excellent and F for failure, can this be used to measure someones intelligence? How many of the A grades you have achieved in school helped you with your…

  • Can Intelligence Be Measured?

    The ever-evolving intelligence of mankind has assisted the human race in segregating themselves from other species by allowing us to make our environment adapt to us instead of vice versa. The article, What is Intelligence? What Do IQ Tests Really Measure? (Part 1) written by Futurism, claims that Dr. C. George Boeree described the general…

  • Possible Limits Of Intelligence

    Is there a limit to what we as humans are capable of understanding? Is our capacity for complex thought limitless? Are our brains well-enough equipped to understand all the truths of the universe? Good morning, my name is Madeline Briddell and today Ill be sharing with you my thoughts about the limits of human intelligence.…

  • To What Extent does Parenting Impact Prosocial Behavior?

    INTRODUCTION Ever wondered Why we react in a certain way to a particular stimuli? and Why some people are more prone to helping one another and some not?. A Classic Greek philosopher, Plato states that Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge. Selfishness, often associated with negativity, although many a times…

  • Parenting Behavior in Sports

    Various investigations have been directed that incorporates data on parents behavior in sports. Adult involvement can be a discernable determinant of a childs sport experience; therefore, shaping the positive and negative consequences that result from participation, according to research by Blom and Drane (2008). For what reason do parents want to yell negative remarks, which…

  • Difference Between Intelligence VS Smart

    If you know anything about brain training, then you will understand that it is a concept that is part of human existence. This concept can be expressed in ones ability to retain information, focus on something, remember information, and so on. However, the rate at which a persons brain functions may be different from another,…

  • The Peculiarities of Schizophrenia Symptoms: Shutter Island

    Introduction: Schizophrenia and Its Complexities Schizophrenia is a disorder that causes the patient to experience psychosis, which is a loss of contact with reality. The amount of people who suffer from schizophrenia is estimate to be around 21 million in the world, with 3.6 million being from the US (Comer, 2018. para. 422). It is…

  • The Behavioral Effects Of Various Genres Of Music

    The study found that musical preference is something that might change with time or mood, while musical taste is a long term trait. This source brings up the interesting comparison between music and personality with the Big Five personality characteristics; instead of making five main categories of music based on music, they are based on…

  • The Peculiarities Of Hereditary Schizophrenia

    Introduction Schizophrenia has existed for hundreds of years but was more recognised as its own mental disease in 1887 by German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin who called it dementia praecox, meaning dementia in early life, this was changed to schizophrenia in 1910 by Swiss psychiatrist Paul Eugen Bleuler, where in Greek schizo means split and phren…

  • The Effects of Schizophrenia on the Identity

    Everyones minds think differently and work in various ways. For some, it is more extensive than others. Healthy adults, children, and teenagers, all think in different ways, but to understand how someone thinks with a disease such as Schizophrenia is extremely different. The daily life and struggles of a schizophrenic are difficult, and hard to…