Category: Humanism

  • The Renaissance Value Of Humanism In Tractate The Prince By Niccolò Machiavelli

    As a leader living during the Renaissance, I am focused on the qualities of humanism, individualism and secularism based on Machiavellis book. The Prince, written by Niccolò Machiavelli, is a guide for successful monarchial rule. From its origins in 14th-century Florence, the Renaissance spread across Europe adapted to local cultural thinking and conditions. The Renaissance…

  • Humanism Influence In Renaissance Education

    During the 13 hundreds till the 16 hundreds, there was a period of time in which humans suffer a drastic change in the way of thinking they had; this period of time is called the Renaissance. They started to think that humans were the center of all replacing God; and the intellectual movements that focused…

  • Types And History Of The Development Of Humanism

    Background of humanism Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition. The meaning of the term humanism has fluctuated according to the successive intellectual movements which have identified…

  • Humanism In Maria Montessoris Philosophy Of Early Childhood Learning And Development

    Introduction This essay will explore how the humanistic perspective in psychology relates to Montessori education and how it can be applied in a Montessori classroom to enhance teaching and learning. The humanistic perspective was developed within the field of psychology in the 1940s onwards in critical response to the limitations posed by the reductionist and…

  • The Differences Between Religious And Non-Religious Ideologies

    There are three ideologies under religious which are reveal and preserve, reveal but interpolated and not reveal but based on human wisdom. However, there are many ideologies under non-religious. For example, scientism, rationalism, humanism, agnosticism, atheism, materialism and etc. RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES Religion usually describes the belief in a superhuman controlling power involving God or gods;…

  • Architecture in the Terms of The Philosophy of Humanism

    Throughout history, many factors influenced the way western architecture developed. The most powerful movement in classical architecture was humanism during the early renaissance. The philosophy of humanism generally speaking is centered on the values, interests, and potential of the human being. Humanism influenced the western civilization in many ways particularly in the way architecture was…

  • The Aspects of Liberal Humanism

    Liberal humanism is one of the earliest literary theory. It is the traditional approach of literary criticism which did not appear suddenly. The concept of liberal humanism come to site as a piecemeal of progressing English literature. The history of English study influenced liberal humanism. However, English was not introduced as a subject till 19th…

  • Theoretical Approaches In Psychology

    This essay will explore three psychological approaches. Further comparison and contrast made from assumptions about human behaviour from the selected three approaches will be deeply discussed throughout the whole essay. Modern psychology branches out into several approaches that are currently used nowadays. In psychology, an approach is a point of view that includes different kinds…

  • An Exploration of Renaissance Humanism in Relation to Art

    With the nailing of the Ninety-five Theses upon the Wittenberg Cathedral by the German monk Martin Luther, an uprising against the Catholic Church was raised. Soon, people began to really question the Catholic Churchs almost dictatorial attitudes, and the Protestant religion was created. Bearing its roots from the word protest, the new religion and its…

  • Fundamentals of Humanism in Architecture

    Identification This research analyses the interior aspects of the National Parliament House in Dhaka by comparing the key importance in the response to three chosen scholarly texts. By analyzing three scholarly texts: (1) Architectural culture in the Fifties: Louis Kahn and National Assembly Complex in Dhaka by Sarah Ksiazek, (2) Louis I. Kahn: The Idea…