Category: Iago

  • Iago as an Antagonist in the Play Othello



    It takes 20 minutes to build a reputation and five minutes to destroy it. If that is thought about things will be done differently (Warren Buffet). Reputation is the general belief or opinion that most people may view about who you are. In certain situations, ones identity can hold so much value that it may…

  • Iago’s Importance and his Role as Othellos Poisoner that Leads to his Downfall



    At the start of the play the audience is introduced to Othello, and he presents himself as a man of honour and dignity he is called valiant Othello symbolizing that he is a brave and courageous, but Iago speaks of Othello in a hasty manner, he calls him an old black ram he describes him…

  • Manipulation in Othello: How does Iago Manipulate Othello and Others



    Villains in literature play an important role in plot development. While villains initiate actions, they simultaneously illuminate the good qualities of heroes in the play. William Shakespeares play Othello is no exception. In Othello, Iago is a complex character that plays a major role in determining the events and fate of several characters in the…

  • Iago As A Master Manipulator In The Play Othello



    The story of a soldier who devises and carries out an elaborate plan that will become his generals undoing is one possible way of summarizing William Shakespeares Othello. Throughout the play, Iago moves the characters as though they were chess pieces – he utilizes their individual goals, and interests as a means of getting them…

  • Manipulation As A Tool For The Implementation Of Iago’s Plans



    Humans are said to be born with a moral compass telling them what is wrong and right, if not soceity does a good job instilling their views of what is good or bad into people. In Othello, written by William Shakespear and performed by Mixed Magic Theatre, the character Iago seems to be easily placed…

  • Othello: the Issues Iago Represents



    Since the beginning of mankind, humans have craved power and the benefits that come with having it. Throughout history, social classes have been used to categorize how much power and influence people have. Generally, the three most common social classes have been upper class, middle class, and lower class. Ones social class was of great…

  • Jealousy as Humankind’s Kryptonite in Othello



    Jealousy, commonly described as the green-eyed monster is a consistent theme throughout Shakespeares literature. It is, more often than not, the fuel that drives the plot, the tragic heros flaw and the main motivation for the storys antagonist. It is the universal theme of jealousy that set the mood for most of Shakspeares plays, including…

  • The Peculiarities of Iago as a Character in Othello



    Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, Envy is the tax which all distinction must pay. Iago was a mere individual who had been revoked high position in favor of Cassio. The reason why this makes the whole play compelling is that this rejection led to a well-planned tragedy all the ways towards its ending. Although Iago…

  • Love and Hate in Othello



    Love and hate are two very contrary terms. However, even the most powerful emotion, love, can ironically turn into hate, the emotion that can lead to the most vulnerability. In William Shakespeares play, Othello, Jealousy is the bridge that connects love and hate. The play takes place in Venice during the Turks invasion of Cyprus.…

  • Othello: The Motivation of Iago to Cause Harm



    The majority of the characters in Shakespeares Othello, view Iago, the plays antagonist, as most honest (II, ii, 7) and laudable; however, as readers, we perceive him in a completely different way. There is a clear dichotomy between two perceptions of the same character. In the reader’s perspective, Iago is an extremely powerful manipulator who…