Category: Illness

  • Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color

    Table of Contents Introduction Findings Conclusions References Introduction This literature review examines various issues related to misconceptions and stigma about mental illness among communities of people of color. These include the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types, prejudices, and stigma of people of color in…

  • Stigmas of Mental Illness and People of Color

    Abstract This study explores the factors that contribute to particular misconceptions and stigmas related to mental illnesses and their treatment that are common in communities of people of color. People of color who have mental illness may conceal it and avoid proper treatment due to fear of others negative attitudes. Therefore, the studys main objective…

  • Stigma About Mental Illness Among Communities of People of Color

    Table of Contents Introduction Findings Conclusions References Introduction This literature review examines various issues related to misconceptions and stigma about mental illness among communities of people of color. These include the actual rates of mental illness among ethnic and racial minorities, health disparities and their specific types, prejudices, and stigma of people of color in…

  • Stigmas of Mental Illness and People of Color

    Abstract This study explores the factors that contribute to particular misconceptions and stigmas related to mental illnesses and their treatment that are common in communities of people of color. People of color who have mental illness may conceal it and avoid proper treatment due to fear of others negative attitudes. Therefore, the studys main objective…

  • Juvenile Mental Illness and Sex Offenders

    Introduction Juvenile delinquency refers to juveniles engaging in illegal activity; traditionally, this refers to those who are under the age of 18. Numerous reasons have contributed to the growth of adolescent delinquency, which is an issue that many cultures are becoming more concerned about. These include poverty, a dysfunctional family, and exposure to violence and…

  • Policy Approaches to Reducing Tobacco-Related Illness

    Table of Contents Introduction Policy Approaches for Reducing Tobacco Related Illness Conclusion References Introduction According to World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco normally kills approximately half of its consumers (WHO, 2012). Furthermore, it kills approximately six million individuals annually. Most deaths associated with tobacco are those of its users and individuals who have quit using cigarettes.…

  • Neurotransmitters Impact on Physical and Mental Illnesses

    Introduction Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that have the power to regulate and control both emotional and physical processes in the body. In other words, neurotransmitters act as the messengers of the brain as it works to control all the functions of the body. However, they do not work alone but they work in…

  • Cholecystitis: Review of the Illness

    Table of Contents Symptoms Distinguishing Features First Intervention Diagnosis Confirmation Treatment, Referral, and Follow-up Visit References Symptoms Cholecystitis is usually characterized by abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) or epigastrium that may radiate to the back (Bridges, Gibbs, Melamed, Cussatti, & White, 2018). In 50% of cases, high-fat meals aggravate the pain; however,…

  • Atypical Presentation of Illness: Diagnosing the Cause of Chest Pain

    Atypical presentations of illness in older patients represent a challenge for nurses because their diagnosis is rarely considered in medical training, thus leading to difficulties in managing individuals conditions. Such presentations are considered atypical due to the lacking signs and symptoms that characterize a condition and its further diagnoses. Nevertheless, in older patients, atypical representations…

  • Experience of People With Mental Illness

    The passage outlined below deals with the experience of people with mental illness. It especially studies, weighs researches, and endeavors deriving conclusions about self-stigma, also called by many researchers as discrimination. People of different countries with different cultures participated in the various group discussions carried out by experts of mental health care staff and professionals.…