Category: Immigration

  • Investigating International Education: Teachers Immigration

    Introduction The struggles of teachers for professional recognition and for the associated working conditions and rewards, that might bring it about have a long and changeable history. More pay, higher status, greater autonomy, increased self-regulation, improved standards of training  these factors became crucial for many teachers when they moved to other countries to continue…

  • Immigration in the U.S. and Its Economic Implications

    Introduction Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout the countrys history. The United States, created by settlers, continues today to accept a huge number of immigrants. The sharp increase in the scale of the entry of foreigners in the 70s of the last century was…

  • U.S. Immigration Policy Moral Dilemma

    The problem of ethical behavior and fair solutions is reflected in the philosophical work of American professor Stephen Macedo. The primary meaning of the article is reflected in the title: the multi-page essay is devoted to assessing the positive and negative sides of moral justice of the U.S. immigration policy (Macedo, 2018). Macedo asks the…

  • The Repercussions of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

    In recent times, the socio-economic and legal problem of migration to the US has begun to acquire an increasingly political connotation. It became not only an object of discussion about the methods and forms of migration regulation but also a battlefield for leading political parties and opposition between legislative and executive authorities. A reform concerning…

  • Immigration History: Betwixt and Between Identity

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Information Analysis of the Betwixt and Between Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Accurate measurements require tools of precision. The more precise the tool, the more distinctions we could make in our attempts to produce knowledge. The study of American history is no exception. For many decades, a blunt toolset had informed…

  • Mexican Immigration to the USA

    Mexico ranks first place in the world in terms of emigration. For the US, Mexico is the primary source of cheap labor, as they are mostly employed in the labor force. Since the 19th century, the United States has surpassed many immigrants from Mexico, and its flow has gradually increased. Nevertheless, according to data from…

  • Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

    Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues that the United States of America faces. Various administrations have addressed it in various ways, implementing various mitigation measures and policies. However, immigration has remained a contentious issue that has caused heated debates among politicians and the public. The Trump administration has been very aggressive in…

  • Immigration in America  Debate

    The immigration debate remains one of the most controversial issues in the United States today. Many supporters and critics offer their unique arguments without considering the views of their opponents. The move by different arguers to select historical developments and events that resonate with their opinions has resulted in numerous misconceptions. This precarious situation explains…

  • Illegal Immigration Issues: Threat to the Country

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Illegal immigrants denote the people who unlawfully cross-national boundaries into host nations in a way that infringes immigration laws or individuals who remain in a given country beyond limitations of permitted entry. Whether legal or illegal, immigration is normally a rising move from a lower to…

  • The Need for Reforming the Current Immigration System in the US

    Approximately, after the Second World War, the United States has become one of the countries that attract the largest numbers of immigrants. Despite that fact, current immigration policies need to be renewed in order to manage the flow of the newcomers more effectively. Even though the United States is considered to be a country of…