Category: Immigration

  • Illegal Immigration and Its Consequences

    People have always looked for a place under the sun and the quest for a better life is never-ending. However, the world is not a free place anymore and most of the people cannot choose where to live. Those who do not want to put up with it choose a dangerous path  illegal immigration…

  • Immigration Detention Centers in America

    Table of Contents Introduction Brief History Facilities across America Alternatives to Detention Centers Federal Spending Privatization of Detention Centers Conditions in Detention Centers Criticisms Conclusion References Introduction The United States government holds hundreds of thousands of immigrants in its more than 200 detention centers located in different states. The immigrants are detained in these places…

  • Illegal Immigration: Impacts on Immigrants and Countries

    In the contemporary society human being is proclaimed to be the main value and everyone should take care and protect it from any possible humiliation of its dignity. The era of humanism and tolerance is supposed to come, when everyone should have equal rights. Unfortunately, things are not so good as it is stated. Living…

  • Immigration to the United States  the DREAM Act

    Table of Contents Introduction Benefits of the DREAM Act Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a law that aims to offer permanent residency to immigrants who show good moral character and graduates of American institutions (Schwab 21). The DREAM Act was introduced as a piece of…

  • Factors that Make Illegal Immigration Undesirable

    Table of Contents Introduction The Problem Plan to Solve the Problem Argument Section Conclusion Works Cited Introduction According to a report by Alba and Foner, about 11.4 million people are living in the United States illegally (61). The illegal immigrants make up about 5.1% of the total workforce in the United States. This clearly shows…

  • Illegal Immigration as a Threat to Hosts and Immigrants

    The pursuit of a better life has led to people using all means possible to migrate to developed countries. People hold the perception that developed countries offer numerous opportunities that might help them to improve their living standards. A majority of the developed countries do not accommodate immigrants (Liu 2549). As a result, people opt…

  • Mexican Immigration as a Political Controversy

    Table of Contents Social Problem Research Methods Findings Solution Conclusion References The increased availability of access to media has resulted in selective exposure to specific content that influences ideological perceptions. A variety of choices in the media landscape leads to viewers selecting cable news channels that fit their ideological predispositions. Furthermore, selective exposure begins to…

  • The Issues of Illegal Immigration in United States

    Table of Contents Introduction The Labor Market Exploitation and Working Conditions Social Services Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The United States of America are mainly inhabited by immigrants. Several millions of people came here during the past centuries to build a better future. However, as the laws for aliens become stricter each decade, the American society…

  • Immigration: Information Sources

    Information Sources Immigration information is also very useful in drafting important national policies used for decision making and strategic planning. In the UK, the most reliable sources of data for immigration are the Office for National Statistics, Home Office, UK Census, Joseph Rowentree Foundation, Institute for Statistical Studies and migration UK.. Office for National Statistics…

  • Immigration and Social Prosperity of United States

    Immigration is a socioeconomic as well as a political issue that has trigger attention on media platforms in the United States. Through these media platforms, immigrants are attracted to what they believe in an American dream. Whether the existence of the American dream is real or just a myth, immigrants come, to America, to chase…