Category: Impact

  • Impact of Obesity of Health Care Costs

    About thirty-three years ago obesity was recognized as the most nutritional disease in all prosperous countries. Studies have shown that approximately two out of three Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity has become an epidemic and the Federal Government states parents, schools, advertisers and genetics have produced this epidemic. Obesity is known to be…

  • Impact of European Imperialism on The People of Africa: Critical Essay

    The story of Africa’s colonization is truly one of the most complicated and saddest stories in the world. Africa has been torn apart by colonialism right from the time of the Ottoman Empire, to Empire, to the French, to the Belgians, to the Germans, to the Portuguese, to the Dutch, to the Spanish, and finally…

  • The Impact Of Suicide In South Korea Globally

    As we know, suicide is a huge public health issue that affects not only the person doing it but the community and country. Suicide as we know is the act of taking your own life, and some countries experience more of their people doing it more often than other countries sadly, but why? South Korea…

  • How Did the Industrial Revolution Impact Slavery: Critical Essay

    Many people do not know that women did not start working until the nineteenth century. Before this woman’s job was to take care of the children and make sure the house was clean. One of the major revolutions in the period of 1750 to 1914 is the Industrial Revolution. Many people do disagree and believe…

  • Impact of the Watergate Scandal: Analytical Essay

    In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, corruption is defined as: dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people. This description could not be truer to the government of the United States of America. Corruption has always been present in the Federal Government of the United States since the creation of the Constitution. Throughout history, corruption has coincided…

  • Biological, Psychological and Macro-sociological Perspectives of Obesity

    In this essay, obesity will be explored in three different ways. First, from a biological perspective to consider how to identify if a person is obese and the different lifestyle factors that contribute to the risk of obesity. Second, from a psychological perspective to investigate the psychological barriers of following advice to lose weight. Third,…

  • Cultural Impact of the Silk Road: Analytical Essay

    China’s Han Dynasty built the Silk Road through territorial expansion. The Silk Road was a network of commercial and cultural transmission channels that allowed the West and East to engage culturally. The Silk Road commerce had an important part in the development of China, Korea, Japan, the Indian subcontinent, Iran, Europe, the Horn of Africa,…

  • Impacts of Portrayals of Obesity to the Overweight Population

    The prevalence of media has made it an effective tool to perpetuate societal beauty ideals. Slender ideals have been glorified in different media outlets as it has been reflected mostly by models and actors from magazine covers, TV commercials, and social media platforms. According to Hendricks and Burgoon, heavy exposure to thin media are more…

  • Impact of Obesity of Health Care Costs

    About thirty-three years ago obesity was recognized as the most nutritional disease in all prosperous countries. Studies have shown that approximately two out of three Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity has become an epidemic and the Federal Government states parents, schools, advertisers and genetics have produced this epidemic. Obesity is known to be…

  • World War II Impact on USA

    World War II started on September 1, 1939, with the Germany invasion of Poland. The Axis Powers (Germany , Italy and Japan) fought relentlessly against the Allied Powers ( Britain , France , Soviet Union , America) for dominance around the world. The United States remained neutral in the war until Japan attacked an American…