Category: Infectious Disease

  • Infectious Diseases And Civil Conflict

    To answer the question if infectious diseases influence the risk of civil conflict it is necessary to measure the exposure to infectious disease pathogens and the number of civil conflict incidences. MHV-pathogens are utilized to measure the exposure to infectious diseases. Pathogens can be divided into three different host categories. If only humans can serve…

  • International Quarantine: A Measure To Halt Disease Spread

    Abstract New challenges of 21st century such as rapid globalization, increased trades and hyper mobility of people; can spread infectious disease faster than ever before. Vigilant practice is vital to slow down the chain of transmission and quarantine is one among them. Quarantine is a measure used by the global health agencies to prevent the…

  • Investigation Into The Control Of Infectious Diseases: Tuberculosis (TB)

    A disease is a specific abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of part all an organism and there is different type of diseases including tuberculosis the most dangerous is the disease. This disease killed more people in the world, the research tells us about tuberculosis that who were killed form this disease.…

  • How Geographical Factors Make The Asian Region More Susceptible To Epidemics Of Infectious Diseases

    Introduction Based on the original broad claim, initial research was conducted to establish specific diseases that were common in Asian countries as well as certain geographic factors within Asia that affect infectious disease susceptibility; it was found that malaria cases notably increased in areas near deforestation. Thus, the original research question was formulated: Does an…

  • Could The Human Population Be At A Greater Risk Of New Disease Outbreaks?

    Increasing globalisation and continued human induced environmental degradation is enhancing the ability for infectious diseases to emerge and spread. Globalisation, climate change, urbanisation and livestock intensification are all features of the modern human society disrupting the natural ecological system and altering disease transmission (Patz, J.A. et al 2000). Changes in population size, density and distribution,…

  • The Condition Of Diagnostic Tests For Infectious Diseases In Developing Countries

    Diagnostic tests play an important role in the detection of infectious agents, the finding of a new agent, direct an appropriate therapy, observing the response to treatment, estimating prognosis, and disease analysis. The inadequate diagnostic services against infectious diseases is a serious problem in developing countries and one of the major issue that a nation…

  • Cholera: The Peculiarities Of Infectious Disease

    Cholera is a disease characterized by extreme bouts of diarrhea (Somboonwit, Menezes, Holt, Sinnott, and Shapshak, 2017). In the 19th century, Cholera was believed to be a disease caused by breathing bad air, however researcher John Snow showed that cases of the disease were clustered around a public well (Symington, 2016). Upon inspecting the water…

  • Infectious Diseases And Public Health

    Meanwhile, Kathleen A. Alexander and others identified different factors that contributed to the most recent Ebola outbreak, during their paper called What Factors Might Have Led to the Emergence of Ebola in West Africa (2015). Some of their identified factors were the potential infection due to the consumption of dead apes, meteorological factors could have…

  • Relationship Between Malnutrition And Infection

    The strong relationship between malnutrition and infection was originally described by Scrimshaw et al. (47). From this framework, much investigation was done in this area and there is a total agreement among authors that mortality is significantly more elevated in undernourished child compared to healthy ones. The study by Man et al. (48), which included…

  • Infectious Disease: Biological And Drug Defences

    Microorganisms are small living organisms that you are unable to see without a microscope. They live inside of the host (endoparasites). There are five main types of microorganisms; bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses and parasites. Microorganisms are also known as pathogens and are around us daily, in every environment. There are different shapes and sizes and…