Category: Inflation

  • A Political Cartoon About Canadas Inflation by MacKay

    Table of Contents Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story Artistic Analysis of the Political Cartoon References Political Cartoon Figure 1: Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story At the beginning of the summer, it became known that gas prices in Canada had reached an all-time high. Canadians in most parts…

  • The Impact of Taxation and Inflation in the U.S.

    Carl Szabos article Democrats want you to keep paying more. This is how they are making it happen from the RealClear Policy website discusses how the current government makes Americans pay more. The author gives specific examples of the Democrats attempts to raise taxes and prices as well as to sue Amazon for featuring the…

  • Grades Inflation and Educational Services Quality

    In the modern education system, the quality of educational services has become the most relevant topic. The rating system aims to improve the differentia of academic performance through competition and rivalry. The primary task of grading is to increase students motivation to master academic disciplines. However, this system partially carries a negative side, expressed in…

  • The United States Inflation Rate

    The problem of inflation occupies an important place in economic science since its indicators and socio-economic consequences play a serious role in assessing the financial security of a country and the world economy. According to the experts, the inflation rate in the United States is gradually decreasing due to gasoline cost reduction (The United States…

  • Inflation in the UK

    Table of Contents Introduction The Inflation Increase Earnings and Spending Power Future Inflation Projections Reasons for the Increase Adverse Effects Oil Pressure House Prices Conclusion References Introduction This case study analyzes an article on inflation in the United Kingdom. The reviewed work describes the rise of the statistic shortly before the articles writing and the…

  • Federal Reserve System, Inflation, and Wage-Price Spiral

    One important thing learned from the episode of Bloombergs Stephanomics podcast is how the Federal Reserve System needs to monitor the economic situation for specific indicators when shaping monetary policy. In this particular episode, the podcasts host Stephanie Flanders (2021) and her guests discuss what indicators could prompt the Federal Reserve System to reconsider its…

  • The US Federal Reserve on Employment and Inflation

    Table of Contents Introduction Federal Reserve Board Statement Criticism Inflation and Employment Recommendation Conclusion References Introduction The US Federal Reserve has been trying to maintain healthy employment and inflation rates, yet the recent global events have caused some damage to the global economy. The inflation and the unemployment rate are two of the main factors…

  • Inflation and Consumer Price Indexes

    One of the most unfortunate situations in a countrys economy is inflation. A more extreme form of it is hyperinflation, which can be defined as the rapid increase in inflation and dramatic drop in the value of a currency (Mastan Travel, 2013). The prominent historical example of this phenomenon was German hyperinflation in 1923, when…

  • The Mechanisms of Inflation

    Table of Contents Introduction Aggregate Demand and Supply Model and Inflation Critical Analysis of Low Inflation Conclusion Reference List Introduction High inflation is considered a severe problem for many national economies, and there are several reasons for it. It takes place when the prices grow, and the purchasing power of money decreases. According to Sloman…

  • Zimbabwe Inflation Now Over 1 Million Percent

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Appendix Introduction Inflation is one of the main problems in third world countries. The article describe the situations in Zimbabwe and evaluates the impact of inflation on the economy and common citizens. In 2008, Zimbabwe becomes a leading country with an annual inflation rose this month…