Category: Inflation

  • China Faces Inflation Pressure

    Inflation is essentially the rise in general price of goods and services over a period of time in economics. It is more commonly referred to as price inflation in now. It can also be understood as the decline in the real value of money and consumers purchasing power. As inflation starts taking its toll, each…

  • Inflation and Increase in Money Supply

    Introduction Inflation is a dangerous condition when peoples purchasing power declines because of rising prices. It can be increased by several causes: rising production costs, mass lending, and others. However, one of the most important reasons inflation may increase is the printing of money by a countrys central bank. In the case of the United…

  • Inflation in India and China

    Table of Contents Introduction Phenomenon of inflation Inflation in China Inflation in India Conclusion References Introduction The tie between economic growth and the role of inflation has been of interest to the economist, especially now in the light of the global financial crunch. The emergence of new and rapidly growing economies has presented economists and…

  • Inflation: Causes, Problems, Impacts on Economy

    Introduction Inflation measures how expensive a particular category of goods and services has become in a certain period, usually a year. It is a rate of increase in commodities prices over a certain period. It is usually measured broadly, such as the increase in the cost of living or the overall increase in prices. On…

  • Balance of Payments, Inflation and Exchange Rate

    Table of Contents Introduction Balance of payments Inflation Exchange Rate Conclusion References Introduction Government economic policies have been known in the world over to take shapes depending on the economic situation at the given times. Major drivers of shifts in economic policies include the desire to control high rates of inflation, control levels of exchange…

  • Inflation, Oil Prices, and How the President May Influence Them

    Table of Contents Introduction Inflation Factors Oil Prices Factors Presidents Influence Discussion Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Inflation and oil prices are actual modern themes, as they are directly connected with the incomes and wealth of most people. Various factors influence them, and only some of them may be regulated by the government. In addition, every…

  • Malaysias Inflation

    The move by Prime Minister Najib Razaks government to apply cuts on subsidies in 2013 to reduce Malaysias fiscal deficit and high debt burden is part of the reason for the faster increase in prices of essential commodities. So high was the inflation that the consumer price index surpassed the 3.1% December projection by Reuters…

  • The Unemployment and Inflation Causes in Australia

    The change in the Australian 2021 indicator of unemployment is the representation of cyclical unemployment since it lasted less than a year. While growing by 42.3% from 2019 to 2020, the unemployment rate decreased in the following year to 33.8% from 2020 to 2021 as seen in table 1 (University Name, 2022. The latter came…

  • The Inflation Impact on Society

    Different events occur every day and every hour; some phenomena operate a twenty-four hours a day. They have the most significant impact on society because they transform society at different levels. Inflation is the depreciation of money due to rising prices, which affects and transforms society around the clock. Inflation affects society in terms of…

  • Real vs. Inflationary Growth: Whats the Difference?

    Real growth and inflation are associated with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is the total market worth of a nations products and services during a specific period (Feldstein, 2017). When Comparing periods of GDP growth, real growth takes inflation or deflation into account, while the inflationary growth rate uses actual market values to measure…